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请看 Terminator基础

Terminator笔记 这个页面放弃了

Terminator 常用的快捷键

最大化和最小化 Maximise terminal 	最大化当前的tab 其它全最小化 ,再操作是相反   	Shift+Ctrl+X

水平分割终端 Ctrl+Shift+O

垂直分割终端  Ctrl+Shift+E
搜索   Ctrl+Shift+F
复制  Ctrl+Shift+C
粘贴  Ctrl+Shift+V
关闭当前终端  Ctrl+Shift+W
退出当前窗口  Ctrl+Shift+Q
打开终端  Ctrl+Shift+T

全屏状态  F11
clear屏幕  Ctrl+Shift+G
在垂直分割的终端中将分割条向右移动  Ctrl+Shift+Right
在垂直分割的终端中将分割条向左移动  Ctrl+Shift+Left
隐藏/显示滚动条  Ctrl+Shift+S

切换显示当前窗口  Ctrl+Shift+X

Navigating around

Apart from the obvious of clicking the terminal for focus, there are a number of shortcuts that will move the focus around:

Action 	           Options 	Default Shortcut
Move focus 	        Up, Down, Left, Right 	Alt+<Arrow>
Cycle to terminal * 	 Next, Prev 	(Shift+)Ctrl+Tab
Focus to terminal *	 Next, Prev 	Shift+Ctrl+N/P
Switch to tab # 	   1 to 10 	 
Switch tab 	      Previous, Next 	Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn
Context menu 	  	   Menu Key
Help [1] 	  	  F1

New Tab *	    	Shift+Ctrl+T
Split terminal(分离)*  	Horizontally, Vertically 	Shift+Ctrl+O/E

也可以有  右键然后查看 快捷键 


最完整的Terminator快捷键 http://www.cnblogs.com/telnetning/archive/2013/05/18/3084819.html

非常 好的教程呀 http://terminator-gtk3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted.html#the-context-menu



5分钟入手Terminator http://www.jianshu.com/p/cee2de32ca28


Terminix – A New GTK 3 Tiling Terminal Emulator for Linux https://www.tecmint.com/terminix-tiling-terminal-emulator-for-linux/

https://linux.cn/article-7611-1.html https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix