#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ''' 证明正则没问题 是sendMail func有问题''' ''' is me is old import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formataddr my_sender = '' # 发件人邮箱账号 my_pass = 'evan' # 发件人邮箱密码 my_user = '' # 收件人邮箱账号,我这边发送给自己 def mail(): ret = True try: msg = MIMEText('天气晴朗', 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['From'] = formataddr(["linuxops", my_sender]) # 括号里的对应发件人邮箱昵称、发件人邮箱账号 msg['To'] = formataddr(["FK", my_user]) # 括号里的对应收件人邮箱昵称、收件人邮箱账号 msg['Subject'] = "天气预报" # 邮件的主题,也可以说是标题 server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465) # 发件人邮箱中的SMTP服务器,端口是25 server.login(my_sender, my_pass) # 括号中对应的是发件人邮箱账号、邮箱密码 server.sendmail(my_sender, [my_user, ], msg.as_string()) # 括号中对应的是发件人邮箱账号、收件人邮箱账号、发送邮件 server.quit() # 关闭连接 except Exception: # 如果 try 中的语句没有执行,则会执行下面的 ret=False ret = False return ret #ret = mail() is me is old ''' import smtplib import urllib,urllib2 import re #定义函数,发送邮件 针对 Sunny today def sendMailr(body): smtp_server = '' from_mail = '' #密码使用授权码替代,否则会报535等认证错误 mail_pass = 'evandfdfdff' to_mail = ['',''] from_name = 'Weather Monitor' subject = 'Raining Today!' mail = [ "From: %s <%s>" % (from_name, from_mail), "To: %s" % ','.join(to_mail), "Subject: %s" % subject, "", body ] msg = '\n'.join(mail) try: s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('',465) s.login(from_mail, mail_pass) s.sendmail(from_mail, to_mail, msg) s.quit() except smtplib.SMTPException as e: raise e #针对 rainy today def sendMails(body): smtp_server = '' from_mail = '' # 密码使用授权码替代,否则会报535等认证错误 mail_pass = 'evan' to_mail = ['', ''] from_name = 'Weather Monitor' subject = 'Sunny Today!' mail = [ "From: %s <%s>" % (from_name, from_mail), "To: %s" % ','.join(to_mail), "Subject: %s" % subject, "", body ] msg = '\n'.join(mail) try: s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) s.set_debuglevel(1) #打印出和SMTP服务器交互的所有信息 s.login(from_mail, mail_pass) s.sendmail(from_mail, to_mail, msg) s.quit() except smtplib.SMTPException as e: raise e if __name__ == "__main__": headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36'} #定位城市,广州天河区 url='' try: request = urllib2.Request(url,headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) urlhtml = except Exception as e: raise e #抓取关键字正则表达式 re_page = re.compile(r'<dd class="name">.*?<h2>(.*?)</h2>.*?<dd class="week">(.*?)</dd>.*?<span>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>(.*?)</span>',re.S) #试过 可以这个 re_page = re.compile(r'<dd class="name"><h2>(.*?)</h2>.*?<dd class="week">(.*?)</dd>.*?<span>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>(.*?)</span>',re.S) items = re_page.findall(urlhtml) dic = {} dic["城市"] = items[0][0] dic["日期"] = items[0][1] dic["天气"] = items[0][2] dic["温度"] = items[0][3] #判断天气是否含有“雨”关键字 if "晴" in dic["天气"]: sendMails("It's Sunny today. Don't bring your umbrella!" +"\n" +"城市: " +dic["城市"] +"\n" +"日期: " +dic["日期"] +"\n" +"天气: " +dic["天气"] +"\n" +"温度: " +dic["温度"]) if "雨" in dic["天气"]: #ret = mail() sendMailr("It's rainy today. Remember to bring your umbrella!" + "\n" + "城市: " + dic["城市"] + "\n" + "日期: " + dic[ "日期"] + "\n" + "天气: " + dic["天气"] + "\n" + "温度: " + dic["温度"]) ''' 在ipython是这样的哦 怎么出来就是汉字了呢 一时不明白的地方呢 ,后面好像又不改 直接print dic["城市"]也是中文 原因 py文件默认是ASCII编码 In [64]: dic["城市"] Out[64]: '\xe5\xb9\xbf\xe5\xb7\x9e\xe5\xa4\xa9\xe6\xb2\xb3\xe5\x8c\xba' Sunny Today! 发件人:Weather Monitor<> + 收件人:evan886<> +我<> + 时 间:2018年03月28日 12:13 (星期三) It's Sunny today. Don't bring your umbrella! 城市: 广州天河区 日期: 2018年03月28日 星期三 戊戌年二月十二 天气: 晴 温度: 17 ~ 27℃ ''' # ''' 故障处理 evan@kalipc:~/github/python/eg$ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 90, in <module> sendMail("It's rainy today. Remember to bring your umbrella!" +"\n" +"城市: " +dic["城市"] +"\n" +"日期: " +dic["日期"] +"\n" +"天气: " +dic["天气"] +"\n" +"温度: " +dic["温度"]) File "", line 63, in sendMail raise e smtplib.SMTPDataError: (554, 'DT:SPM 126 smtp7,DsmowADn_+Q2B7tatPL_AA--.42125S2 1522206519,please see') evan@kalipc:~/github/python/eg$ python 打开url 得知 •554 DT:SPM 发送的邮件内容包含了未被许可的信息,或被系统识别为垃圾邮件。请检查是否有用户发送病毒或者垃圾邮件; 最后的解决办法是换成 qq smtp '''
In [38]: dic["温度"] = items[0][3]
In [39]: dic["温度"] Out[39]: '17 ~ 27\xe2\x84\x83'