6 Road Trip

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A:So, are we all ready to go?
B:Yup, I think so. The car’s packed; we have munchies and music, and the map’s in the car.
A:Did you get the camera?
B:Got it! Did you fill up the tank?
A:Yup, it’s all set.
B:You’re sure we’re not forgetting anything?
A:I’m sure... we’ve got all our bases covered.
B:Well… let’s get going then! I love road trips!
B:Um... do you think we can make a pit stop?
A:But we’ve only been on the road for ten minutes.
B:I know, but I forgot to go to the bathroom before  we left.

munchies [ˈmʌntʃiz] n.(聚会上提供的)小吃
pit [pɪt] n.深洞;深坑;矿井;麻子
pit stop : quick stop for food or
complicated [ˈkɑmplɪˌkeɪtəd] adj.复杂的;难懂的v.“complicate”的过去分词和过去式
hurricane [ˈhʌrɪˌkeɪn] n.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风
let’s get down to business. 开始说正事

Host text

M: Hello everyone and welcome to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.
E: And I’m Erica.
M: How are you, Erica?
E: Marco, I’m doing really well! How about you?
M: I’m doing great! I’m really excited, because today we’re talking about travel.
E: That’s right, we’re gonna give you some real English to talk about travel.

hello ,/everyone and  welcome to  englishpod  my name is  mro
(and )I am  erica
how are you  erica
mro I am doing very/really  well , what/how  about you
I am doing [very well]/great  , I am really exceting/excited   because today we (are)take/taking  about trip/travel
that is right , we [will]/(are gonna ) get/give  you some  really/real  english (yo) take about trip /travel

that is right  you will use in daily life english   , you in  movie listen  english , in TV listen english
Exactly , English that you would use in everyday life , that you hear in movies , in TV shows.
English (people) actually using(use) 

that is right , so  why don't you give us talk about this lesson
Exactly ,so , why don,t you tell us  a little bit about this lesson for today?

E: Okay, so, today we are going to listen as a husband and wife get ready to go on a trip.
M: Alright, that sounds a little bit complicated.
E: Aha.
M: Hehe.
E: Well, let’s look at our two preview words.
Voice: Vocabulary preview.
M: Okay, so, the first word that we have is road trip.
E: Road trip.

M: Okay, so, road trips are really fun and interesting, right?
E: Road trips are great. You get to get in a car with your family and drive on a vacation.
M: Yeah, that was a really fun and they’re really popular in North America.
E: Really popular. I’ve been on a million road trips.


well/ok   so   today we (are going to ) listen  a compule/(as a  husband and wife) get ready to travel/go on a rip
ok/Aright  , [it is]/that sounds a little complate /bit complicated 
ok/Well  let us [take a] look at two vocabulary previews/preview  words
voice vocabulary previews/previes
Okay, so, the first word that we have is road trip 
road trip
ok ,so  road trip/trips  is/are really  fun (and interesting) right
road trip/trips  is/are awesome/great  , you [can drive]/(get to get in a car ) with your family (and drive on) [go to]/a vacation
yes/Yeah  that is/was  very/really  fun   it is/(and they are ) very/really  popular in  north America
very/really  popular  I had/have   going/been  on  [1000000 times]/a million  road trip/trips

So Are you all ready to go
yes/Yup  I think so ,  the car is packed , we have  m/munchies   and music  ,(and)the map (is) in (the) car
Did you get the camaro/camera
yep/Got it  , Did you filled/fill  up the tank  是did是做助动词后面的动词才是动词原形
yes , everything is ready /Yup , it is all set.
You sure we   [don't forget]/(are not forgetting ) anything?
I am sure , We  (have  got ) all (our)  bacessil/bases  cover/covered.
B:Um... do you think we can make a pit stop?
A:But we’ve only been on the road for ten minutes.
B:I know, but I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left.
uhm/Well , let us get going them/then , I love road trip/trips
um do you think we can get/make  a peer/pit stop
but we just/(have only been) on the road (for) 10 minutes
I know, but I forgot to go (to) the barth/bathroom before we left

uhm/Well  she forgot to go to the bathroom
yes/yeah  I hate [this thing hapen]/it  when this happen
this situation almost everytime road trip  for me   happen all the time / This  happens  to me on almost every  road trip
heha/hehe , well/ok  , very good great (so) , now it is time for  our language takeaway ,  we  today's language takeaway  have three words/We have three words for our language takeaway today 
voice  language takeaway
the first word is munchies
so munchies is /are

munchies / snacks
snacks food
chips , cookie/cookies

cokelate p  /Chocolate bars 
all that good staff/stuff 
I love snacks/munchies
heha  ,[When you are in road trip,] they are very/really  good when you are  taking a road trip 
well/OK   so ,let us (take a ) look at today's/our  second takeaway word (for today )  (and) it is fill up the tank
fill up the tank

fill up the tank so this is for
get fuel/put gas  for/in  your car
put gas into/(in the gas) tank
exaculy is put gas into oil tank /In the gas tank, exactly

OK , [today] our last language takeaway  (today) is
pet/pit stop
hold on a second /make a pit stop 
that is a  very fast  hold on/it is a quick stop for  you  (to get) [can] [put] some gas , food , batchroom/go to the bathroom
yes/yeah  a pet/pit  stop , a quick stop
very good/great  , so ,now it time for  "put in/putting it  together "
voice putting it together
alright  [today] we have two very great phrases for you (today) ,let us take a look at (the) first one
We (have got ) all our basic/bases cover/covered
we have go all our bases covered

this is a very/really  great phrase ,/and it is very/really  useful ,right
yes ,let us listen  a compule/couple  of examples 
voice  the first example
We have go all our bases covered (in case  the hurricane hits)

voice the second example / example two 
ok , I have key/keys   wallet and passport , [it is] look/looks (like)  we/I  have all our/my bases covered

alright/ok  , [now very](it's clear now) [clean] ,but you can (use this ) in (a) lot of  situtation/different situation  [use it ,] right
you  can in lot of siutation use it/You can  use this in many situation  , if I am working/work  ,I (could)say "ok/alright ,we have/got a really good sale/marketing  plan,we (have got) all our bases covered"
this right/Exactly ,you had/have  [preparv /ready]/ everything (ready)
you are ready/all prepard
perfer/perfect  ,ok/alright   now let us take a look at our second phrase , let us get going [then]
let's get going 
ok , so  when you say  "let us get going [then]"
let us start
let us start ,let us go
alright/ok  ,but this phrase really fun ,you can just change a little ,it is have different means
M: Okay, but the interesting thing about this phrase is you can change it a little bit and it means something different.

hehe/Aha   let's listen (to)  some/(a couple of ) examples

voice example one
I have (the) chicken , so .let us get cooking
voice example two
this house is really scare/scary , let us get away/out of  here
voice example three
[after twenty minute] I have a/another  metting (in twenty minutes) , so let us get bunises/down to business 
let us get going then/down to business   let us listen (to) the dialog (or dialogue) one more time , but this time
it [is] will (be a little  bit) slowly/slower and   you can/will  [better to] understand (much better)
dialog  the second time (slowly/slow)

So are we all ready to go
yeah/YUp  , I think  so,the car is parked ,we have munchies and music (and the ) map/map's in the car
Did you get the ca/camera
yes/got it ,  Did you fill up the tank
yes  everything was ready / Yup , it is all set 
Are you sure we (are ) not forgot/forgetting  anything
I am sure , we  (have got )all our bases covered
uh/Well  let us get going then , I love road trip/trips 
uh/um  , Do you think we can get a pit stop
but we just/(have only been) on the road for ten minutes
I know , but I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left 

so this time more clear right
So  ,that  was a little more clear this time , wasn't it?
yeah ,you [must] can [better] (definitely) understand (better about )(what)we (have been )talking (about ) [all the time that  thing]
alright/ok  , now it is time for/to  look at "fluncy/fluency  builder " lika ,why don't you [tell me]/explain  [about] what is fluncy/fluency  builder (is )

in   fluency  builder we get/office/(give )  you  some very/great  useful phrases ,/to  help you[ clear to descri]/express  your idea/ideas clearly 
well/ok  it is great , let us take a look at  fluency builder
voice fluency builder
OK/alright   so ,we (all) know how to ask (the question) "Are we [all] ready to go "
right , you could/can say "Can we go now "
or you can say "Are we ready to go  "
exactly , but [we have]/(there's) another says/(way that we  can say this and  ) , we heard (it )  in the/our  dialog/dialogue , so let us listen
phrase 1 so Are we  all ready to go
wow it/that    sounds really good ,(it) sounds (a lot) more fluency/fluent
 very fluency / fluent, exactly 

yeah , ok , so  [we know how to say that] another simple phrase (that we all know how to say ) is "it is ready"
It is prepared ?
it is ready
so , these  examples is/are  very good/fine  , they are right

Um/Uhu  , yes they are  correc/correct  english , no problem
but [ in the dialog]  we heard  another way  saying hear  more fluent 
But there's another way to say  this that we heard in the dialogue and it sounds a lot more fluent 

yes it is all set
it is all set ,(that)sounds good/much better
yes we are all set for/to  listen (to) the/this  dialog dialogue (for a third  threth time ,) and  this time (it's gonna be at its ) normal speech/speed 

dialog  the threeth/third  time
 so are we all ready to go
 yep, I think so , the car is parked , we have munches/munchies  and music and the map's in the car
 Did you got/get  the cam/camera
 yeah/got it  , Did you fill up the tank
 yes , it is all set 
 you are sure we don't/ not  forgot/forgetting  anything
 I  am sure  we (have got) all our bases covered
 uh  let us get going then , I love road trips
 um Did/do you think we can get/make  a pit stop
 but we (have) only  [have] been on the road for ten minutes 
i know ,but I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left 

 so Erica ,you say/said  you (have) had/been   a millian/million  road trips , what is going on/what was that all about ?  where are/have  you been [go]

alright , maybe  not  (a) milllion  time road trips
but [a lot of]/many  road trips , every summer , I will/(used to go on a road trip )  with my family [together go to road trips]/ and   we  (would)drive [a lot of]/many many   hours , probably  eight hours in one day up to Northern Cananda

yes  and the we (would) go camping , we (would) slept/sleep  outside ,/and  we have (a cimpfire) [fire] at night , that is awesome
oh family road trip
yes  but maybe (8 hours) in the/a  car [for 8hours it]  (is a little ) too long
yes  I [with some  my friends ,]  [some friends] have (been) kinds/kind  of road trips/trip (with some ,uh, buddies of mine, some friends ) , we will/would  drive to lswji/Las Vegas
yes ,so , it is really interesting/fun  - a (bunch of )   crazy guys drive/(in a car going to Las Vegas ) [to lass,] and then (just)  have/having  great fun ,/and  talk/talking  about everything , so   this is (a much ) different (experience) of/than   family road trips/tirp 
sounds more fun / Maybe that sounds a little bit more fun
hehe yes  , [with all your firends] (eight hours ) in the/a  car maybe/ not (really)  that boring (with all your friends) , ok folks guys , we have not time today/ we're out of time for today  ,  please/but be sure to   visit our website at a.com  and    levae/leave  all your  commint/comments and questions
thank you for {you listen]/ listening  and until nex time  , see you next time