354 Homeschooling

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A: I think we should home school our children when we decide to have kids.                                                             
 B:What? Why?                                                                                                                           
 A:Well, our public schools here are not very good and private school are just too expensive. I have been reading up on home schooling  
 and it has a lot of advantages.                                                                                                        
 B:Like what? I think that by doing something like that we would be isolating our children from social interaction.                     
 A:Well, first of all, I would be able to teach them everything they learn in school in a more relaxed and fun way. I also think that   
 having a one-on-one class is much better since you can focus more on his or her strengths or weaknesses.                               
 B:I think neither your parents or mine would agree to such an idea.                                                                    
 A: I will bring it up over Sunday brunch.                                                                                              
 B: Good luck with that! 

advantage [ədˈvæntɪdʒ]    n.优势;优点;好处;利益    v.有利于                             
 social interaction ˈsoʊʃl ˌɪntəˈrækʃən/ 社交 ; 社会互动 ; 社会交往                         
 isolate [ˈaɪsəˌleɪt]    v.隔离                                                             
 strengths or weaknesses                                                                    
 strength [streŋθ]    n.长处;强度;力量;实力                                              
 one-on-one 一对一的 ; 面对面的                                                             
 her /hər/                                                                                  
 read up on :to do research or instruct yourself on a topic                                 
 first of all                                                                               
 neither英[ˈnaɪðə(r)] (两者)都不的                                                          
 bring sth. up :to mention or open for discussion. metion it  ,talking to