301 Vampires

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A:You want to go tothe movies tonight?                                                                                              
4596B:Sure! What’s playing?                                                                                                             
4597A:The new Twilight movie!                                                                                                           
B:Twilight? As in the vampire movies? No way I am watching that. I don’t understand why everyone is so excited about these films    
    about vampires [ˈvæmpaɪrz] . It doesn’t make sense.                                                                                 
4599A:Of course it does. It’s like a modern tale of Romeo and Juliet. You have a couple that is in love but can’t be to gether because  
    they are so different. Add in the fact that immortality and super human strength is really sexy and there you have it! Plus the     
    cast is hip, young people that make the movie  even more enticing.                                                                  
4600B:I don’t buy into that. I think it’s just a fad. Pretty soon this will pass and everyone will be into werewolves or zombies!       
4603twilight     美: [ˈtwaɪˌlaɪt]  n.黄昏;微光;                                                                                       
4604immortality     美: [ˌɪmɔrˈtæləti]  n.不朽;                                                                                        
4605hip  美 [hɪp]     n. 臀部,髋;屋脊;野蔷薇果     adj. 时髦的     int. 加油! 好哇!                                                
4606enticing     美: [ɪnˈtaɪsɪŋ]  adj.有诱惑力的