262 Interview Skills Part10 - Concluding the Interview

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 Mr Parsons:Well Rebecca, is there anything else you need to know for now?                                                              
 Rebecca:I don’t think so Mr. Parsons. I think you have covered all the main points for me.                                             
 Mr Parsons:Okay well listen, here is my business card with my mobile number. If any  other questions spring to mind don’t hesitate to  
 contact me. Of course you can also call Miss Childs too.                                                                               
 Rebecca:Great. Ermm, when can I expect to hear from you?                                                                               
 Mr Parsons:Well, we are finishing the shortlist interviews tomorrow, so we will certainly have a decision made by early next week.     
 Miss Childs will call you to discuss more on Monday or Tuesday.  How does that sound?                                                  
 Rebecca:That sounds perfect. Thank you very much for taking the time to speak to me Mr. Parsons.                                       
 Mr Parsons:The pleasure’s all mine Rebecca.                                                                                            
 Rebecca:I hope to hear from you very soon.                                                                                             
 Mr Parsons:Absolutely. Thanks for coming Rebecca. Goodbye.                                                                             
  shortlist 入围名单 ; 把…列入入围名单                                                                                                  
 concluding [kənˈkludɪŋ] v.“conclude”的现在分词 网络结论;结束的;终决的                                                                
  main points 要点,大意                                                                                                                
   status [ˈstætəs] n.地位;身份;情形;法律地位(或身份                                                                                
 contract [ˈkɑnˌtrækt] v.收缩;订约;感染n.【法】合同                                                                                   
 spring to mind : be remembered; comes to mind                                                                                          
 hesitate 犹豫 ; 迟疑不决 /ˈhezɪteɪt/                                                                                                   
 expect to 期待                                                                                                                         
 decision [dɪˈsɪʒn]n. (作出的)决定,抉择                                                                                                
 business card                                                                                                                          
 interaction [ˌɪntərˈækʃən]    n.相互作用;【航】干扰     网络互动                                                                      
 desperate [ˈdesp(ə)rət]    adj.渴望;(因绝望而)不惜冒险的;绝望的;  美刷                                                            
 when can I expect to hear from you?                                                                                                    
 thank you very much for taking the time to speak to me                                                                                 
 I hope to hear from you very soon                                                                                                      
 demonstrate [ˈdemənˌstreɪt]    v.示范;证明;表明;【军】示威     网络展示;                                                           
 Kind of like a strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/  maybe to better negotiate the terms and conditions.                                              
 reminder 提醒 ; 通知单 ; 提示信                                                                                                        
 去年听时是晕的 现在终于不晕了 Jun 03 2024