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 Mr. Parsons: Okay, now I’d like to find out more about your last job. I see you spent almost four years at the London Weekly , is      
 that right?                                                                                                                            
 Rebecca: Yes, that’s right. To be honest, the first year was quite tough for me. I was really just treated more like an intern. I      
 didn’t have many responsibilities and I found it quite frustrating.                                                                    
 Mr. Parsons: So, what changed?                                                                                                         
 Rebecca: Well slowly but surely I proved myself, and the new editor liked me so he promoted me to features writer .                    
 Mr. Parsons: Wow, a real step up!                                                                                                      
 Rebecca: Yes I was responsible for restaurant and food reviews mostly. I spent (restaurant)three  years in that position, but to be    
 honest it wasn’t an area of journalism I wanted to stay in long-term.                                                                  
 Mr. Parsons: I see, so why did you decide to leave finally?                                                                            
 Rebecca: I just felt that the paper couldn’t offer me any new opportunities. I really needed a more challenging role to be honest.     
 position    美: [pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]     n.位置;地位;职位;立场    v.安置;安装;使处于                                                      
 tough [tʌf]adj. 艰苦的;   艰难的;   棘手的;                                                                                            
 intern ɪnˈtɜːrn , ˈɪntɜːrn]n. 实习生;   实习医生                                                                                       
 frustrating [ˈfrʌstreɪtɪŋ]adj. 令人懊恼的;   令人沮丧的                                                                                
  slowly but surely 缓慢但确定地;稳扎稳打地                                                                                             
  features [ˈfiːtʃərz]n. 特色;   特征                                                                                                   
 step up 提高 进步                                                                                                                      
 reviews [rɪˈvjuːz]n. 评审,审查,评论                                                                                                  
 journalism [ˈdʒɜːrnəlɪzəm]n. 新闻业;   新闻工作;                                                                                       
 role  [roʊl]n. (演员的)角色;   作用                                                                                                    
 elaborate [ɪˈlæb(ə)rət] v.精心制作;详尽阐述;详细描述;详细制订                                                                       
 adj.复杂的;详尽的;精心制作的 网络精心设计的;                                                                                        
 realization 实现 ; 认识 ; 领悟 ; 变卖 [ˌriəlɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]                                                                                
 why we are using the verb to be in the pass was promoted and this is because it is  ed adjective  it is  and djjective that is ednds   
 in ed so you may think it is  verb but it is not it is actually and adje the verb here is to be                                        
 verb + ed  可能是 adjective