160 Health Insurance

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 A: Hey honey, how was your day?                                                                                                        
 B: It was alright. I ran into Billand we got to talking for a while He’s in a bit of a jam.                                            
 A: Why? What happened?                                                                                                                 
 B:Well, his son had an accident and Billdoesn’t have health insurance. This really got me thinking, and I wondered if we shouldn’t     
 look into a couple of different HMO’s.                                                                                                 
 A:Yeah, you’re right. We aren’t getting any younger and our kids are getting older.                                                    
 B: Exactly! I searched onthe web and found a couple of HMO’s with low co pays and good coverage. The deductibles are low, too.         
 A:Sounds good, although, do you think we can qualify for insurance? Those insurance companies are real pirates when it comes to money. 
 B:Well, we don’t have any pre existing illnesses or conditions, so we should be fine.                                                  
 A:I wish our company or country provided us with  healthcare.                                                                          
 B:Not in a million years! 

HMO:卫生维护组织(Health Maintenance Organization)                                    
 deductibles [di'dʌktəblz] n. 自付额 [保险]免赔额(deductible 的复数);自付额          
 coverage 保险范围  include  your insurance plan                                        
 co-pay 付费;自付率                                                                    
 qualify for 受到…… ; 有……资格 ˈkwɑːlɪfaɪ fɔːr/ cant user   Academic                    
 pirate [ˈpaɪrət]n.海盗;海盗船;侵害版权者    v.掠夺                                   
 when it comes to 说到 ; 当提到                                                         
 we got to talking for a while                                                          
 got me thinking                                                                        
 pre existing illnesses :  have right now