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Oct 2021 官方参考

官方的就非常不错 可能有些特别路径的要自己改一下而已

    Open the php-fpm configuration file and enable the status page as shown.
# php7.3 is php-fpm.d/www.conf

    pm.status_path = /status
    ping.path = /ping

    Validate the syntax is fine before we reload the service

    $ php-fpm7 -t

    Reload the php-fpm service to make the change active

    $ systemctl reload php-fpm

    Next, edit your Nginx server block (virtual host) configuration file and add the location block below in it.

    # Enable php-fpm status page
    location ~ ^/(status|ping)$ {
    ## disable access logging for request if you prefer
    access_log off;

    ## Only allow trusted IPs for security, deny everyone else
    # allow;
    # allow;    # your IP here
    # deny all;

    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    include fastcgi_params;
    ## Now the port or socket of the php-fpm pool we want the status of
    # fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/your_socket.sock;

    Check the syntax $ nginx -t

    Reload Nginx $ systemctl reload nginx

    Verify curl -L

If you use another location of status/ping page, don't forget to change {$PHP_FPM.STATUS.PAGE}/{$PHP_FPM.PING.PAGE} macro.

If you use an atypical location for PHP-FPM status-page don't forget to change the macros {$PHP_FPM.PORT}.

 curl -L 
pool:                 www
process manager:      dynamic
start time:           21/Oct/2021:11:51:18 +0800
start since:          6593
accepted conn:        352643
listen queue:         0
max listen queue:     1
listen queue len:     128
idle processes:       128
active processes:     8
total processes:      136
max active processes: 26
max children reached: 0
slow requests:        0

最后加官方 的  template App php-fpm by zabbix agent 

居然就有数据了  第一个官方文档 出数据 的 

zabbix_get  -s -k "system.hostname"


php 7.3 ?
1. 打开php-fpm的pool配置文件,删除pm.status=指令的注释:
pm.status_path = /php-fpm_status


2. nginx php 配置 
vim zabbix.monitor.conf

server {
    server_name _;
    location /php-fpm_status {
        #include fastcgi_params;
  include /data/apps/nginx/conf/fastcgi.conf;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $fastcgi_script_name;
    location /nginx_status {

server {
    server_name _;
    location /php-fpm_status {
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $fastcgi_script_name;
    location /nginx_status {

        location ~ .*\.php?$ {
                include /data/apps/nginx/conf/fastcgi.conf;
                fastcgi_index index.php;

3. 定义zabbix监控item key  # 取状态值建议用xml格式

[root@web zabbix_agentd.conf.d]# pwd

[root@gz-sdk-web-02 zabbix_agentd.conf.d]# cat php.conf 
# php-fpm status
UserParameter=php-fpm.status[*],/usr/bin/curl -s "" | awk -F": +" '/^$1/{print $$2}'

4. 导入 templates 
templates 来自成都

Template App Php Service V1 

 remember    to restart the zabbix agent 
/etc/init.d/zabbix-agent restart 

暂时过了阵再看有没有数据 没有的话就要 get 一下看看了  


# cat zabbix_agentd.conf | grep 'php-fpm'
UserParameter=php-fpm.status[*],/usr/bin/curl -s "" | grep "<$1>" | awk -F'>|<' '{ print $$3}'

#moni php by evan
UserParameter=php-fpm.status[*],/usr/bin/curl -s "http://sdk.a/status?xml" | grep "<$1>" | awk -F'>|<' '{ print $$3}'



php-fpm status状态值详解

process manager:进程管理方式,值:static,dynamic or ondemand
start time:启动日期,如果reload了php-fpm,时间会更新
start since:运行时长
accepted conn:当前池子接受的请求数
listen queue:请求等待队列,如果这个值不为0,那么要增加FPM的进程数量
max listen queue:请求等待队列最高的数量
listen queue len:socket等待队列长度
idle processes:空闲进程数量
active processes:活跃进程数量
total processes:总进程数量
max active processes:最大的活跃进程数量(FPM启动开始算)
max children reached:进程最大数量限制的次数,如果这个数量不为0,那说明你的最大进程数量太小了,需要设置大点

listen queue 	处于等待状态中的连接数,如果不为0,需要增加php-fpm进程数

字段	含义
pool 	php-fpm pool的名称,大多数情况下为www
process manager 	进程管理方式,现今大多都为dynamic,不要使用static
start time 	php-fpm上次启动的时间
start since 	php-fpm已运行了多少秒
accepted conn 	pool接收到的请求数
listen queue 	处于等待状态中的连接数,如果不为0,需要增加php-fpm进程数
max listen queue 	从php-fpm启动到现在处于等待连接的最大数量
listen queue len 	处于等待连接队列的套接字大小
idle processes 	处于空闲状态的进程数
active processes 	处于活动状态的进程数
total processess 	进程总数
max active process 	从php-fpm启动到现在最多有几个进程处于活动状态
max children reached 	当pm试图启动更多的children进程时,却达到了进程数的限制,达到一次记录一次,如果不为0,需要增加php-fpm pool进程的最大数
slow requests 	当启用了php-fpm slow-log功能时,如果出现php-fpm慢请求这个计数器会增加,一般不当的Mysql查询会触发这个值





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <template>Template App Memcached Service V1</template>
            <name>Template App Memcached Service V1</name>
                    <name>Memcached Current Connections</name>
                    <name>Memcached Current items stored</name>
                    <name>Memcached HITS</name>
                    <name>Memcached Max Free Memory</name>
                    <name>Memcached MISSES</name>
                    <name>Memcached Port Connectivity</name>
                        <name>Service state</name>
                    <name>Memcached successful key ratio</name>
                    <name>Memcached Total Get items</name>
                    <name>Memcached Total Set items</name>
                    <name>Memcached Uptime</name>
                    <name>Memcached Used bytes</name>
                    <name>Memcached Info</name>
                                <name>Memcached Key Info</name>
                                <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
                                <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
                                <name>Memcached Memory Space</name>
                                <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
                                <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
                                <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
            <template>Template App MySQL 3306</template>
            <name>Template App MySQL 3306</name>
                    <name>MySQL begin operations per second</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL bytes received per second</name>
                    <description>The number of bytes received from all clients. &#13;
It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in &#13;
                    <name>MySQL bytes sent per second</name>
                    <description>The number of bytes sent to all clients.&#13;
It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL commit operations per second</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL delete operations per second</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL insert operations per second</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL queries per second</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL rollback operations per second</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL select operations per second</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL slow queries</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL status</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter, which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf&#13;
0 - MySQL server is down&#13;
1 - MySQL server is up</description>
                        <name>Service state</name>
                    <name>MySQL update operations per second</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL uptime</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.status, which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL version</name>
                    <description>It requires user parameter mysql.uptime, which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
                    <name>MySQL performance</name>
                                <name>MySQL operations</name>
                                <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
                                <name>MySQL bandwidth</name>
                                <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
            <template>Template App Nginx Service V1</template>
            <name>Template App Nginx Service V1</name>
                    <name>Nginx Accepts Connections</name>
                    <name>Nginx Active Connections</name>
                    <name>Nginx Handled Connections</name>
                    <name>Nginx Port Connectivity</name>
                    <name>Nginx Reading Connections</name>
                    <name>Nginx Total Requests</name>
                    <name>Nginx Waiting Connections</name>
                    <name>Nginx Writting Connections</name>
            <template>Template App Php Service V1</template>
            <name>Template App Php Service V1</name>
                    <key>php-fpm.status["max listen queue"]</key>
                    <key>php-fpm.status["listen queue len"]</key>
                    <key>php-fpm.status["idle processes"]</key>
                    <key>php-fpm.status["active processes"]</key>
                    <key>php-fpm.status["total processes"]</key>
                    <key>php-fpm.status["slow requests"]</key>
                    <key>php-fpm.status["accepted conn"]</key>
                    <name>Php Port Connectivity</name>
            <template>Template Redis Info</template>
            <name>Template Redis Info</name>
                    <name>redis server</name>
            <expression>{Template App Memcached Service V1:net.tcp.service[tcp,,{$MEMCACHEDRPORT}].count(#3,0,"eq")}=3</expression>
            <name>Memcached port {$MEMCACHEDRPORT} is not running</name>
            <expression>{Template App MySQL[3306].last(0)}=0</expression>
            <name>MySQL is down</name>
            <expression>{Template App Nginx Service V1:net.tcp.service[tcp,,11911].count(#3,0,"eq")}=3</expression>
            <name>Nginx port 11911 is not running</name>
            <expression>{Template App Php Service V1:net.tcp.service[tcp,,9000].count(#3,0,"eq")}=3</expression>
            <name>Php port 9000 is not running</name>
            <expression>{Template Redis Info:net.tcp.port[,6379].last(0)}=0</expression>
            <name>Redis port 6379 is not running</name>
            <name>Connection Stats</name>
                        <host>Template App Nginx Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Nginx Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Nginx Service V1</host>
            <name>Connection Status</name>
                        <host>Template App Nginx Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Nginx Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Nginx Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Nginx Service V1</host>
            <name>Memcached Key Info</name>
                        <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
            <name>Memcached Memory Space</name>
                        <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
                        <host>Template App Memcached Service V1</host>
            <name>MySQL bandwidth</name>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
            <name>MySQL operations</name>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
                        <host>Template App MySQL 3306</host>
            <name>php-fpm Accepted Connections /sec</name>
                        <host>Template App Php Service V1</host>
                        <key>php-fpm.status["accepted conn"]</key>
            <name>php-fpm Listen Queue</name>
                        <host>Template App Php Service V1</host>
                        <key>php-fpm.status["listen queue len"]</key>
                        <host>Template App Php Service V1</host>
                        <key>php-fpm.status["max listen queue"]</key>
            <name>php-fpm Processes</name>
                        <host>Template App Php Service V1</host>
                        <key>php-fpm.status["total processes"]</key>
                        <host>Template App Php Service V1</host>
                        <key>php-fpm.status["active processes"]</key>
                        <host>Template App Php Service V1</host>
                        <key>php-fpm.status["idle processes"]</key>
            <name>php-fpm Slow Requests / sec</name>
                        <host>Template App Php Service V1</host>
                        <key>php-fpm.status["slow requests"]</key>


FastCGI 进程管理器(FPM)



Zabbix监控php-fpm status


