“Using Jenkins agents with docker”的版本间的差异

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第204行: 第204行:
[https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_36938307/article/details/105577769  使用Docker Plugin动态生成Jenkins Slave运行流水线]
[https://www.cnblogs.com/yickel/p/12206838.html Jenkins学习(3)-Jenkins的Master/Slave机制,及添加Slave节点操作]
[https://devopscube.com/docker-containers-as-build-slaves-jenkins/ How to Setup Docker Containers as Build Agents for Jenkins]
[https://blog.csdn.net/IT_YUAN/article/details/80515085  Jenkins : 安装 master 和 slave]
[https://blog.csdn.net/IT_YUAN/article/details/80515085  Jenkins : 安装 master 和 slave]

2021年8月8日 (日) 03:55的最新版本

Configuring agents with Docker


Jenkins 2.289.3 LTS

** Generating an SSH key pair

    ssh-keygen    -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/jenkins_agent_key

*** Create a Jenkins SSH credential

        1. Go to your Jenkins dashboard;                                                
         2.Go to Manage Jenkins option in main menu and click on credentials button;    
         3.select the drop option Add Credentials from the global item;                 
     4.Fill the form:                                                                   
         Kind: SSH Username with private key;                                         
         id: jenkins                                                                  
         description: The jenkins ssh key                                             
         username: jenkins                                                            
         Private Key: select Enter directly and press the Add button to insert your   
         private key from ~/.ssh/jenkins_agent_key                                    
         Passphrase: fill your passphrase used to generate the SSH key pair and then  
         press OK   

** Creating your Docker agent

    run the command to start your first agent:                                       
     docker run -d --rm --name=agent1 -p 22:22 \                                      
     -e "JENKINS_AGENT_SSH_PUBKEY=[your-public-key]" \                                
     实际替换上你的pub key                                                            
     docker run -d --rm --name=agent1 -p 222:22 \                                     
     -e "JENKINS_AGENT_SSH_PUBKEY=ssh-rsa                                             
     yYLc6ZT9k4EdXlJgF/GeZ4wX4p9itnmimMiYy+eieb4jwHlAWryh root@gitlabzbx              
     " \                                                                              
     Now run the following command to update the container environment:               
     $ VARS1="HOME=|USER=|MAIL=|LC_ALL=|LS_COLORS=|LANG="                             
     $ VARS2="HOSTNAME=|PWD=|TERM=|SHLVL=|LANGUAGE=|_="                               
     $ VARS="${VARS1}|${VARS2}"                                                       
     $ docker exec agent1 sh -c "env | egrep -v '^(${VARS})' >> /etc/environment"      

* config on web

   Setup up the agent1 on jenkins.                                                    
      1. Go to your Jenkins dashboard;                                                  
      2. Go to Manage Jenkins option in main menu;                                      
       3.Go to Manage Nodes and clouds item;                                            

4.Go to New Node option in side menu;

5.Fill the Node/agent name and select the type; (e.g. Name: agent1, Type: Permanent Agent)

6.Now fill the fields:

    Remote root directory; (e.g.: /home/jenkins )

    label; (e.g.: agent1 )

    usage; (e.g.: only build jobs with label expression…​)

    Launch method; (e.g.: Launch agents by SSH )

        Host; (e.g.: localhost or your IP address 一般是ip 不可能是自己机器 )

        Credentials; (e.g.: jenkins )

        Host Key verification Strategy; (e.g.: Manually trusted key verification …​ )   

自己要注意的细节 因为母机的22不能再用了                                                                                    
    固定 --                                                                           
   ssh 端口 222                                                                       

Now press the button Launch agent and wait some seconds, then you should receive
the message: Agent successfully connected and online on the last log line.

Agent successfully connected
   如果遇到报错【The SSH key for this host is not currently trusted. Connections      
   will be denied until this new key is authorised.】                                 
   直接节点配置里面点trust key                                                        
   Trust SSH Host Key                                                                 
   :~/tmp$ ssh  -i id_rsa  -p 222 [email protected]                              

trouble shooting

java.io.IOException: Java not found on hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer@d48b725. Install Java 8 or Java 11 on the Agent.
alpine 安装java 

apk add openjdk8



SSH Agent 

SSH build Agents


/home/jenkins  工作目录改成这个 /tmp好了 ? 不是的 

Node and Label parameter    nodelabelparameter
Job Restrictions  插件  不然 
I can't find “Restrict where this project can be run” in the configure page

就是手工添加的了 有如当年在xk 选择git 版本一样
参数化构建过程  -->添加参数 ->Node -->


docker pull jenkins/ssh-slave

把php 搞到 agent   agent1 还要上 apk add git  phing 和 相关dns   root运行哦 

测试一下 Delegating the first job to agent1

Go to your jenkins dashboard;

Select New Item on side menu;

Enter a name. (e.g.: First Job to Agent1)

Select the Freestyle project and press OK;

#我暂时没这个选项 why 
Check the option: Restrict where this project can be run;

Fill the field: label with the agent1 label; (e.g.: agent1)

agent jar形式运行



如果报“从节点端口被禁用”点击“配置连接”或 系统管理->全局安全配置


wget https://jenkins.chexiangsit.com/jnlpJars/agent.jar

nohup java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl -secret 8410d288284123c57bff988f693f64dc0d388e5fcefcebef8675196f288c947e -workDir "/opt/jenkins" &

see also

官网Using Jenkins agents

使用Docker Plugin动态生成Jenkins Slave运行流水线


How to Setup Docker Containers as Build Agents for Jenkins

Jenkins : 安装 master 和 slave


注意 下面这些是老的版本啦 不能用
