Unlock Bootloader, Install LineageOS ,TWRP and Root Essential PH-1

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注意 ph1刷入 lineageos17 后是没volte支持的 联通卡室内可能没信号 
 移动卡 在电脑前  用原生 的android 10 还可以接电话   lineageos 移动移动 nr/let/td 可以打  这么说联通应该也可以这样呀 
联通4G现在 是基本没信号  为什么 以前 18看之前不会呢  


LTE Discovery


lte/wcdma 放在 WC门口可以电话的 只lte不能打通 看来是4G在室内不够的啦


Note 实在不行就买个二手的pixel 3
好像是android9 的信号比较正常 Mar 23 2021 用mk9 再不行就只能是android9 但是上次试了断触 听说9版本的信号比较正常 tieba上是这么说的 没想到以前这手机信号很正常呀 为什么过了一年就不正常了呢 

PH1-Images-QP1A.190711.148 这个试了 可以用 android10来得 得手工选择联通的连接点

官方的原生 android 9 断触呀


换机 转资料 用这个 换机助手





Fastboot mode

Put your Essential Phone into fastboot mode by doing either of the following:

• Use the ADB tool packaged above to run the command:

 adb reboot bootloader 

Reboot your phone while holding the Volume-down button

Enable unlocking and Unlock your bootloader

Enable unlocking

Find the option: OEM Unlocking and turn it on

Unlock your bootloader

Run the command:

adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flashing unlock

• Press the Volume-down button to navigate to the YES option, then press the Power button to confirm

Flash the TWRP into essential

现在的下载地址 下载 mata.img https://dl.twrp.me/mata/twrp-3.2.3-0-mata.img.html NMI81C-TWRP.img下载


adb reboot bootloader

fastboot devices -l


成功 2021 也是这个成功 当年在哪下载的呢  现在 官方的不行呢 
fastboot flash boot   NMI81C-TWRP.img

失败 老的用法 
fastboot flash recovery twrp-mata_2.im

Installing  Magisk from recovery
Wipe the device
In the TWRP Home menu, select Wipe > Advanced Wipe. Select Dalvik / ART Cache, System, Data, and Cache. Do not select the Internal Storage otherwise you will lose the data. Then Swipe to Wipe.

 adb shell twrp sideload
 adb sideload Magisk-v15.3.zip

essential Install LineageOS

2020年在lx刷的 居然没作这个 a b 区的笔记呀 最好是卡刷 在第一次之后不用电脑了 不过用官方的 recovery 就行了 fastboot 没成功呢

lineageos recovery

试一个两个 nok zip升级能不能保存原来的数据 哈哈 
twrp 老 是安装了后 进入不了twrp 今天想了一下 用lineageos recovery 安装其它的 真的行呀 哈哈 mar 18 2021
试用一下 lineageos 的r4evovery 安装其它zip 可以么 mokee( androdi10 试一下,recovery 变成他自己的了, android9 会自己选择联通网络 但是更新要钱 哈哈  ) 试过可以 ;pa  miui应该也行 
> fastboot getvar current-slot
current-slot: _a
finished. total time: 0.000s
PS E:\a\lineage> fastboot flash boot_a lineage-17.1-20210315-recovery-mata.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'boot_a' (25737 KB)...
OKAY [  0.899s]
writing 'boot_a'...
OKAY [  0.312s]
finished. total time: 1.218s

那么从上可见 twrp 应该也可刷在a 区

Installing LineageOS from recovery

 E:\a\lineage> adb sideload .\lineage-17.1-20210315-nightly-mata-signed.zip
opening '.\lineage-17.1-20210315-nightly-mata-signed.zip'...
* daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
serving: '.\lineage-17.1-20210315-nightly-mata-signed.zip'  (~11%)

注意 可能得重启两次 第一次可能提示进入不了系统 又进入了一下 recovery 

download package

LineageOS installation package


选择 Recovery image lineage-17.1-20201116-recovery-mata.img

Google Apps (use the arm64 architecture)

https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps.html -->https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps.html --> https://opengapps.org/?api=10.0&variant=nano -->platform: ARM64 android:10 Variant:stock


Basic requirements

has adb and fastboot ;Enable USB debugging

Unlocking the bootloader

Installing LineageOS from recovery

If you are not in recovery, reboot into recovery:

   With the device powered off, hold Volume Up + Power.

Factory Reset

Now tap Factory Reset, then Format data / factory reset and continue with the formatting process. This will remove encryption and delete all files stored in the internal storage, as well as format your cache partition (if you have one). Return to the main menu. 中文意思就是选择 Factory Reset 再选择 Format data 下的 factory 出产重置 ,最后再返回主菜单

Sideload the LineageOS .zip package:

    On the device, select “Apply Update”, then “Apply from ADB” to begin sideload.
    On the host machine, sideload the package using: adb sideload filename.zip

我在power shell执行的如下 时间 09:53- 09:55   47%  有No error
PS G:\>  adb sideload  .\open_gapps-arm64-10.0-stock-20201118.zip
opening '.\open_gapps-arm64-10.0-stock-20201118.zip'...

安装谷歌框架 opengapps

(Optionally): If you want to install any additional add-ons, click Advanced, then Reboot to Recovery, then when your device reboots, click Apply Update, then Apply from ADB, then adb sideload filename.zip those packages in sequence.
Note: Additional add-ons aren’t signed with LineageOS’s official key, and therefore when they are sideloaded, Lineage Recovery will present a screen that says Signature verification failed, this is expected, please click Continue.
Note: If you want Google Apps on your device, you must follow this step before booting into LineageOS for the first time!

我的命令  注意 中间可能提示有错什么的 按yes    时间 09:56-10:04
PS G:\>  adb sideload  .\open_gapps-arm64-10.0-stock-20201118.zip
opening '.\open_gapps-arm64-10.0-stock-20201118.zip'...
serving: '.\open_gapps-arm64-10.0-stock-20201118.zip'  (~47%)    * failed to read command: No error
PS G:\>

#注意  这里有时可能要 Factory Reset一下才能进入系统
Once you have installed everything successfully, click the back arrow in the top left of the screen, then “Reboot system now”. 

lineageos see also

这个是官方文档了 看它就对了 https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/mata/install




[教程] 到底该刷哪个opengapps!安装谷歌框架的正确指引

The Open GApps 各版本详细介绍


打印 上一主题 下一主题 [教程] lineage os 刷机及软件安装小白攻略

屏没反应 刷新没成功 线刷,后面用 recovery 成功 不是屏问题,机器开机屏不能操作 那可以进入 fastboot的

fastboot flash boot <recovery_filename>.img
sending 'boot' (25737 KB)...
FAILED (remote: Requested download size is more than max allowed

重启 adb reboot (-n)

关机 adb shell reboot -p


Essential Phone 刷机图文教程


adb sideload MK100.0-mata-202103160718-NIGHTLY.zip #前提是进入 recovery

adb sideload .\open_gapps-arm64-10.0-stock-20210314.zip #这个运行不起来难道得 去mk那下载么

android9 放弃 后面不更新了

断触呀 两次试了都这样 


android10 放弃 后面不更新了

Pixel (128 GB, Quite Black)
Qty: 1
Serial: 35268908313212

16 english 

这个可以直接 双击fash.bat 就可以了  2021

先 邻居借线吧  

这个可用 也是android10


February 2020 Security Update
[https://storage.googleapis.com/essential-static/PH1-OTA-QQ1A.200105.032.zip OTA Package: PH1-OTA-QQ1A.200105.032.zip]
[https://storage.googleapis.com/essential-static/PH1-Images-QQ1A.200105.032.zip Factory Image: PH1-Images-QQ1A.200105.032.zip]

Method 1: Sideload Android 10 OTA using Stock Recovery

Method 2: Flash Android 10 Factory Image using Fastboot

Important Note: This method will wipe all the data stored on your phone, including the internal storage. So, make sure that you take a full backup first!

首先 手机备份相关信息 

 解决安卓 linux adb 连接机器提示 no permissions 的问题

adb devices
no permission (user xxx is not in the plugdev group); see [http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html]


    使用下列方式启动 adb

    adb kill-server #我用了这个就好了 
    cd the-path-your-sdk-adb
    sudo ./adb kill-server
    sudo ./adb kill-server

adb进入recovery 以及fastboot模式


adb reboot fastboot   命令进入fastboot模式

adb reboot recovery 命令行进recovery模式

power + 音量下 recovery 模式

power + 音量下 recovery 模式
power + 音量上 fastboot 模式
recovery 模式下可以选择进入fastboot 模式

root@latop:~# adb reboot recovery
root@latop:~# adb devices
List of devices attached
PM1LHMA792000781	recovery

root@latop:~# cd /home/evan/iso/

adb sideload  PH1-OTA-QQ1A.200105.032.zip

(UP A Level)为返回上级目录功能


February 2020 Security Update OTA Package: PH1-OTA-QQ1A.200105.032.zip Factory Image: PH1-Images-QQ1A.200105.032.zip

Method 1: Sideload Android 10 OTA using Stock Recovery

Method 2: Flash Android 10 Factory Image using Fastboot

Important Note: This method will wipe all the data stored on your phone, including the internal storage. So, make sure that you take a full backup first!

首先 手机备份相关信息

注意 官方的revovery

Now, power off your Essential Phone completely. Press and hold the Volume Up and Power buttons together to boot your phone into the Stock Recovery mode. Once you see the Android logo with a red exclamation mark on the screen, press the Power button and tap the Volume Up button once to finally enter stock recovery. Connect your phone to the PC using the USB cable while it is in recovery mode. Use the Volume buttons of your phone to select the ‘Apply update from ADB‘ option and confirm the selection by pressing the Power button.





fastboot flash错误及解决办法汇总


Recovery TWRP 相关知识补充




【TWRP】使用adb sideload线刷ROM的方法

使用电脑adb给Essential Phone刷机 —(官方篇)

How to Root the Essential Phone (PH-1) using Magisk



Unlock Bootloader, Install TWRP and Root Essential PH-1

关于Essential Phone 获取root

关于Essential Phone 获取Root权限及Magisk的安装教程(2019/6/14)

使用电脑adb给Essential Phone刷机 —(官方篇)