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ps -ef | grep  -E 'tomcat1 |tomcat2 |grep -v grep '

grep -rn   sth  somefiles #比dat 好

##并  fstab 文件中 有  /data  和 UUID 关键词
grep  /data /etc/fstab | grep UUID 

grep 同时满足多个关键字和满足任意关键字
① grep -E "word1|word2|word3"   file.txt
② grep word1 file.txt | grep word2 |grep word3

find & grep 总结

精准 非贪婪匹配

 -w, --word-regexp         强制 PATTERN 仅完全匹配字词
              Select  only  those  lines containing matches that form whole words.  The test is that the matching substring must either be at the beginning of the line, or preceded by a
              non-word constituent character.  Similarly, it must be either at the end of the line or followed by a non-word  constituent  character.   Word-constituent  characters  are
              letters, digits, and the underscore.  This option has no effect if -x is also specified.


cat  /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf | grep  -v \^# |  grep -v \^$

see also

grep 参数使用和实例

Linux: grep多个关键字“与”和“或”

Linux/Unix下grep命令使用的几个例子[grep Examples]