docker>Evan2019年9月26日 (四) 05:49的版本 (→下载)
eclipse c 下载地址 最新版的漂亮还快哦
sudo pkg install eclipse-cdt
Eclipse中添加多行注释的快捷键 第一种 //注释 选择你要注释的那一行或多行代码,按 Ctrl+/ 即可,取消注释也是选中之后按 Ctrl+/ 即可。此快捷键是 //注释 而不是 /**/注释。 第二种 /**/注释 Ctrl+Shift+/ 说明:添加/* */注释 Ctrl+Shift+\ 说明:消除/* */注释 要修改在eclispe中的命令的快捷键方式我们只需进入windows -> preference -> General -> key设置就行了
trouble shooting
launch failed Binary not found 每个项目都是改一下 不然不行 select "Run". -> Run Configurations. ->Choose "C++ Application". -> build configuration --> select debug auto build#is me Click on the "New Launch Configuration" icon on the top left of the open window. Select "Browse" under the C/C++ Application. Browse to the folder where you made your project initially. Enter the Debug folder. Click on the binary file with the same name as the project. Select "OK". Click "Apply" to confirm the link you just set. Close that window.