Python 3 面向对象来监控 Linux 上 Nginx 进程的脚本
import psutil class NginxMonitor: def __init__(self): self.nginx_processes = [] def find_nginx_processes(self): for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if 'nginx' in self.nginx_processes.append(proc) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess): continue return self.nginx_processes def print_nginx_process_info(self): processes = self.find_nginx_processes() if not processes: print("No nginx process found") else: for proc in processes: print("Nginx Process ID: {}".format( print("Parent Process ID: {}".format(proc.ppid)) print("CPU Percent: {}%".format(proc.cpu_percent(interval=1))) print("Memory Usage: {} bytes".format(proc.memory_info().rss)) print("Status: {}".format(proc.status())) print("Command Line: {}".format(proc.cmdline())) if __name__ == '__main__': monitor = NginxMonitor() monitor.print_nginx_process_info() # ➜ tmp py3 # Nginx Process ID: 70189 # Parent Process ID: <bound method Process.ppid of psutil.Process(pid=70189, name='nginx', status='sleeping', started='15:14:38')> # CPU Percent: 0.0% # Memory Usage: 1777664 bytes # Status: sleeping # Command Line: ['nginx:', 'master', 'process', '/usr/sbin/nginx', '-g', 'daemon', 'on;', 'master_process', 'on;'] # Nginx Process ID: 70190 # Parent Process ID: <bound method Process.ppid of psutil.Process(pid=70190, name='nginx', status='sleeping', started='15:14:38')> # CPU Percent: 0.0% # Memory Usage: 5734400 bytes # Status: sleeping # Command Line: ['nginx: worker process', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] # Nginx Process ID: 70191 # Parent Process ID: <bound method Process.ppid of psutil.Process(pid=70191, name='nginx', status='sleeping', started='15:14:38')> # CPU Percent: 0.0% # Memory Usage: 5734400 bytes # Status: sleeping # Command Line: ['nginx: worker process', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] ai说明还真的 6 1. 类的定义 NginxMonitor类: __init__方法初始化一个空列表nginx_processes,用于存储找到的 Nginx 进程。 2. 方法 find_nginx_processes方法: 通过遍历系统中的所有进程(使用psutil.process_iter())。 对于每个进程,尝试获取其名称,如果名称中包含nginx,则将该进程添加到nginx_processes列表中。 在这个过程中,捕获可能出现的进程不存在、访问被拒绝和僵尸进程等异常情况。 print_nginx_process_info方法: 首先调用find_nginx_processes方法获取 Nginx 进程列表。 如果列表为空,打印提示信息表示没有找到 Nginx 进程。 如果列表不为空,对于每个 Nginx 进程,打印出进程 ID(pid)、父进程 ID(ppid)、CPU 使用率(cpu_percent)、内存使用量(memory_info().rss,这里的rss表示常驻内存集大小)、进程状态(status)和命令行参数(cmdline)。 3. 主程序 在if __name__ == "__main__"部分,实例化NginxMonitor类,并调用print_nginx_process_info方法来打印 Nginx 进程的相关信息。
import socket def check_port(port): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(1) result = s.connect_ex(("localhost", port)) if result == 0: print(f"Port {port} is open.") else: print(f"Port {port} is closed.") s.close() except socket.error as e: print(f"Error: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": check_port(80)
从日志文件中提取所有的错误日志并存储到另一个文件中 方便给开发人员查看
数据处理与脚本 之 Python 脚本,从日志文件中提取所有的错误日志并存储到另一个文件中 方便给开发人员查看。 # def extract_errors(log_file,output_file): with open(log_file,'r') as infile, open(output_file,'w') as outfile: for line in infile: # //if "ERROR" in line: if "failed" in line: outfile.write(line) extract_errors('nglog.log','error.log') ➜ tmp cat nglog.log 2024/09/06 17:42:07 [emerg] 64755#64755: open() "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default" failed (2: No such file or directory) in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61 2024/09/06 17:44:59 [notice] 65501#65501: using inherited sockets from "" tmp py3 ➜ tmp cat error.log 2024/09/06 17:42:07 [emerg] 64755#64755: open() "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default" failed (2: No such file or directory) in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
py3 批量修改文件后缀名 或者去掉后缀名
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # python批量更换后缀名 注意 需要把脚本放在与修改的文件同一目录下,因为filenames只是获取了程序目录的文件名。 import os # 列出当前目录下所有的文件 files = os.listdir('.') for filename in files: portion = os.path.splitext(filename) # 如果后缀是.dat if portion[1] == ".txt": # 这里是把 .txt去掉 重新组合文件名和后缀名 newname = portion[0] #txt 文件改为sh 要用这个记得打开下行注释 #newname = portion[0] + ".sh" #os.rename(filename,newname) os.replace(filename,newname) # As of Python version 3.3 and later, it is generally preferred to use os.replace instead of os.rename so FileExistsError is not raised if the destination file already exists. #!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # python批量更换后缀名 进入目录的版本 利用os.chdir import os import sys os.chdir(r'~/tmp') # 列出当前目录下所有的文件 files = os.listdir('./') print('files',files) for filename in files: portion = os.path.splitext(filename) # 如果后缀是.txt if portion[1] == ".txt": # 这里是把 .txt去掉 重新组合文件名和后缀名 newname = portion[0] #txt 文件改为sh 要用这个记得打开下行注释 #newname = portion[0] + ".sh" os.rename(filename,newname) #os.rename(filename,newname)
python批量更换后缀名 会返回脚本所在目录的版本
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # python批量更换后缀名 会返回脚本所在目录的版本 import os import sys # Set the path path ='~' # save current working directory saved_cwd=os.getcwd() # change your cwd to the directory which contains files os.chdir(path) # 列出当前目录下所有的文件 files = os.listdir('./') print('files',files) for filename in files: portion = os.path.splitext(filename) # 如果后缀是.txt if portion[1] == ".txt": # 这里是把 .txt去掉 重新组合文件名和后缀名 newname = portion[0] #txt 文件改为sh 要用这个记得打开下行注释 #newname = portion[0] + ".sh" os.rename(filename,newname) #os.rename(filename,newname) os.chdir(saved_cwd) #
os.path.splitext(“文件路径”) 分离文件名与扩展名;默认返回(fname,fextension)元组,可做分片操作