English note
- 1 如何脱口而出的说英文
- 2 英文站点
- 3 英文面试
- 4 awesome
- 5 常用
- 6 广州英语培训机构哪家好
- 7 NOTE and 教材
- 8 12个月的英文写法
- 9 word
- 10 语法
- 11 learn english
- 12 可閱英文新聞的網站或app
- 13 超八成劳动者处于过劳状
- 14 数词 序数词
- 15 口语
- 15.1 听不清 再说一次
- 15.2 我英文不好
- 15.3 美好的一天
- 15.4 午休
- 15.5 你休想
- 15.6 给你个教训
- 15.7 你还好吗
- 15.8 加油
- 15.9 感冒好些了吗
- 15.10 “喜欢”只会用like?试试这些高级表达
- 15.11 洗澡 Take a shower
- 15.12 喝咖啡
- 15.13 喝茶
- 15.14 去吧
- 15.15 知道了
- 15.16 价格太贵了用英语怎么说
- 15.17 20个形容食物口感的英文表达
- 15.18 你请客 英语怎么说
- 15.19 对不起,你刚刚说什么?我没听清楚
- 15.20 Valentine's Day: Who is St. Valentine and why is it celebrated
- 15.21 以人为本 人性化 友善
- 15.22 Teacher job seriously, to treat students are very friendly.
- 15.23 希望成为贵公司的一员...英文怎么说
- 15.24 在家办公,英语怎么说?
- 15.25 到家
- 15.26 已经吃晚饭了 和 我刚吃完饭
- 15.27 炸豆腐相关怎么说
- 15.28 前天,昨天,今天,明天,后天,大后天,大大后天英文
- 15.29 最后一天
- 15.30 年份
- 15.31 日期 最后一位要序数词
- 15.32 时间表达
- 15.33 电影季和集
- 15.34 脑子有问题
- 15.35 你想多了
- 15.36 知识点:give sb a big head 给某人戴高帽
- 15.37 无语”用英文怎么说
- 15.38 你在哪所学校上学
- 15.39 愚人节
- 15.40 无所谓
- 15.41 有什么 能帮到你的
- 15.42 take care of yourself 照顾好自己
- 15.43 保暖
- 15.44 笑死我了
- 15.45 別再說 Congratulations!9 大實用英文祝賀語一次學
- 15.46 核酸检测
- 15.47 家常菜
- 15.48 感叹词
- 15.49 take a day off tomorrow
- 15.50 便宜不要用checp
- 15.51 小区怎么说
- 16 谚语英文
- 17 音标
- 18 eg
- 19 英文常用缩写
- 20 fun
- 21 references
The Times in Plain English
赖世雄-美语从头学全套有声资源,用btsync下载,喜欢点赞不谢 B2MBVDKHENUWJSJ4ES75LYAOYF5CHR7AV ps: 先安装btsync,这是个同步软件,打开软件,添加字符串,把上面的填进去就行了
拍英语VLog,试着用英语把一个故事将完整,哪怕是你记录一次去小区门口拿快递,讲一下买了哪些东西,为什么这样有效: 1、在你讲之前,你要做好许多准备,例如简单的表达,可以先用中文在脑子里想,要说什么,发现有不会的或模棱两可的说法,就去网上查找相关地道的表达,这样说几次,就基本记得很清楚了,因为这些都是你正在经历的事情,相信我你会记得很清楚的; 2、在你讲之前,你必须了解你买到的东西用英语怎么说,不知道怎么说的查好,讲的时候例如我今天买了XXX、XXX,然后XXX和XXX是干嘛用的,为什么要买XXX,这样多讲几次XXX就很快印在你脑子里了,记英语名词,也是这样反复在你耳听目睹口说的过程中记忆深刻的; 3、拍成vlog后,投稿B站或其他平台,其他人看到,会鼓励你,会给你提意见(至少朋友应该会的,喷子就无视就行了),如果觉得长视频投B站有点难,试试抖音,发个60秒以内的,简单说说自己今天的心情,都是好的,因为在说的过程中,你会很容易发现自己不会表达的东西,发现了就去查,查了就记住,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线再也不见。以上基本是按费曼学习法总结的,如果你不能把一件事情用简单的语言讲清楚,你就没有很好的掌握这件事情,语言学习一样,先输入,再输出,重输出,而且大量输出。你会成功的
Why are you interested in our position
In a flash,(一转眼,在一瞬间)
见信如晤——抖森读情诗——All this I did without you未与你共度的一切(情诗范本)
In the news
on in at
英语日期前介词的使用:若指在哪一年或哪一月,则用介词 in,若具体到某一天,则需用介词 on 美英的表达方式是有差别的 在日期方面,美英的表达方式是有差别的。以日为先,月份为后,此为英国式,美国式则与此相反。如一九九六年三月二日的写法: 2nd March, 1996(英) March 2, 1996(美) 在美式的写法中,1st, 2nd, 3rd 的 st, nd, rd 是不使用的。
1、those:那些(that 的复数)
2、these:这些(this 的复数);这些的(this 的复数)
2、these:指时间或空间上 较近的人及事物
be good with与be good at的用法区别
be good at 和be good with,这两个词组意思接近,good 都有“好,擅长”之意。区别就在介词at和with上面。前者强调“在......方面擅长、善于”,其宾语往往指“技能、技巧、学科等”之类的词语;后者强调“擅长于和……友好相处、打交道”,其宾语一般是“人”,有时也可以跟“具体的事物”。例如: Most of the students in this class are good at mathematics. 这个班的学生多半数学很好。 I am not good at singing. I'm here just to make up the number. 我不会唱歌,我在这儿只是滥竽充数。 Some people are good at communication and should work hard towards their own advantage. 有些人善于沟通,应该努力发挥自己的优势。 She was always good with the unfortunate. 她对不幸的人总是很友好. He's very good with children, ie can look after them well , amuse them, etc. 他很会照看孩子. Be good with your boss, and you will get a rise. 和你的上司搞好关系,那么你将得到提升的。 个人观点:computer 作为抽象名词理解,意味着“电脑技术,电脑技巧”,不加任何冠词,不用复数。如果指具体的电脑,则需要加冠词或复数。所以,我认为be good at computer 的说法优于be good with computer。
1、根据主语形式不同变形不同。如果是一般现在时,第三人称单数的时候用has,其它(如第一人称和第二人称)用have。 2、主语是过去式时形式不同。如果是一般过去时,全部都用had。 3、主语是完成式时形式不同。has/have been是现在完成时,has用于第三人称单数,had been过去完成时 使用 has 的情況與文法 原則上 has 是第三人稱單數使用的,也就是 He, She, It ... 等主格,文法結構是「主格 + has」,只適用於肯定句,來看幾個例句。 He has a new car.(他有一輛新車。) She has a new boyfriend.(她有了一個新男朋友。) It has been a while.(這已經有一段時間了。) It has a lot of fun.(它有很多的樂趣。) This floor has a new color.(這地板有一個新的顏色。) 要注意否定句的情況不能用 has,要改用 have,句子最前方是用助動詞(Does)開始的問句或主格與 has 之間有助動詞(does, doesn't)也都不能用 has,原本的 has 請改為 have,來看以下幾個否定句的例句。 He doesn't have a new car.(他沒有一輛新車。) She doesn't have new boyfriend.(她沒有新的男朋友。) It doesn't have enough space.(它不具有足夠的空間。) Does he have a dog?(他有一隻狗嗎?) 使用 had 的情況與文法 had 可以是 have 或 has 的過去式與過去分詞,無論是第一人稱、第二人稱還是第三人稱都可以使用,had 用來表示過去曾經有過,不過現在沒有,舉幾了例子來看。 I had a bicycle in five years ago.(我在五年前曾經有一輛腳踏車。) He had a great job, but he quit.(他有一份很棒的工作,但他離職了。) has had / have had 同時出現 這種情況就代表「曾經有過」,至於要用 has had 還是 have had 就要看主詞是誰,主詞是第三人稱單數要用 has had,如果主詞是第一人稱、第二人稱或或第三人稱複數則使用 have had,來看例句比較清楚。 I have had a wonderful birthday today.(我今天有一個美好的生日。) I have had breakfast already
到底如何区分have been\has been\had been这三个时态
英文單字筆記 > have has had 的文法與用法 have has had 的文法與用法
她们公司用EF 应该还不错的 jun 2021
题主学英语的目的非常明确,除了日常生活旅游的交流,还希望通过雅思考试证明自己有所提升。要提高英语的使用能力,我们会有以下建议:1,一系列的教材学习,由浅入深。教材最好含不同场景,带有语法、西方文化,更重要的是逻辑思维训练。很多哑巴英语不是无话说,而是过于习惯中国人的思维。比如看完一场电影,中国人会说很好看,就完了;外国人会说很好看,以及为什么好看,bala bala就能说一堆。因为外国人从小就学习批判性思维,有逻辑和层次地表达自己的想法。其实不仅仅是学英语,工作和生活也应该要拥有这些能力。2,自学可以背语法、单词和、句子。但是逻辑思维的训练,最好还是有老师可以引导。先上完中国老师的课,学了语法、各种情景的单词、句子,还有西方文化、逻辑思维训练。再搭配外教课学到的知识都用一遍。
选择一家英语培训机构,靠谱是必须要的,收费也是一方面,还要多方面综合自己情况看看适不适合的。简单谈谈选择英语培训班的几点建议。 1.一定选外教,跟中国人学口语只是强化“中式英语”,“中式英语”是美国听不懂,没有用的; 2.选择一个英语学习氛围比较强的学校,因为这样可以借助你身边的同学来帮助你提高,可以不断的锻炼和吸收更好的学习方法。 3.选择英语学习班一定要选择一个将语言运用放在首位的英语培训学校,这样就更容易提高你对英语的掌握能力。 4.还有你也要考虑一下你是否在经济上能否接受。
NOTE and 教材
初级的同学建议听:赖世雄老师的音标和入门/初级英语 感觉找的不太一样呢
中级的同学建议听:ESL POD 或 English POD
高级的同学则可以广泛收听自己最有兴趣的题材:苹果手机下载Podcast,有上千个英语播客聊各种不同的兴趣,我最近喜欢的话题则是有关网络营销,我正在听Amy Porterfield的On-line Marketing
has a balance due of $3.11. 您的帐户的余额为 3.11 美元。 用于表示某一天 某一天的上 下午 具体的一天 全用on 月 季节 看 泛指的上 下午 全用in 星期一:全写Monday缩写Mon. 慢恩德一 星期二:全写Tuesday缩写Tue. 星期三:全写Wednesday缩写Wed. 星期四:全写Thursday缩写Thu. 星期五:全写Friday缩写Fri. 星期六:全写Saterday缩写Sat. 星期日:全写Sunday缩写Sun service n. 服务; 使用; 检修; 服务站; (公共)服务事业/系统/机构/公司; 宗教礼仪; 军队,兵役; 车次; 发球; 整套餐具 v. 检修,维护; 提供服务; 支付(债息)\\ server 英[ˈsɜ:və(r)]美[ˈsɜrvə(r)] 释义 n. 服务器 ; 侍者; 上菜用具; 发球者
make my english better
alpine 美: ['æl.paɪn]
wlc welcome
You're overthinking this, ok
while you're spending all this time on your own,
building compoters or parctcing your cello.
what you're really doing
is becoming interesting.
And when people finally do notice you,
they're gonna find someone a lot cooler than they though.
take a bath.
offer,全称是offer letter
How 引导 how是副词 可以 修饰adj ad, v
What 引导 what 是adj 后面接n 或者有adj的n
learn english
音标-->基本语法-->3k单词-->日常用语 -->自己diy
三个学习阶段 第一阶段 音标 每天只学习3到4个音标
** 五大基本句型 3主 谓 4主 谓 宾 5主 谓 宾 宾 6主 谓 宾 宾补 7主 系 表 0She ordered herself a new dress. 后面不能加 is 所以是宾宾 Our teacher encourages us to do more reading. 可以 we are to do more 所以宾宾补 His advice proved right. proved 可以换成 is 句子依然OK , so 系动词 主+系+表 ** 并列句的起源 如果两者之间能加 be 是宾补,不能是宾宾 第二章1 2 50M 五 形容词性从句
近日,一项职场行为与疲劳状况的调查显示,超过8成劳动者处于过劳状态,原来”过劳死”离你我并不远。 More than 80 percent of Chinese employees are overworked and under mental and physical stress at an average or higher level, according to a survey by a team at Wuhan University of Science and Technology. 武汉科技大学一团队进行的调查显示,我国逾8成劳动者承受着一般或更高的精神压力和身体压力,处于过劳状态。 近日,武汉科技大学劳动经济研究所所长张智勇及其团队发布了关于职场行为与疲劳状况的调查报告(survey on workplace behavior and fatigue)。据介绍,该调查历时1年多,共收回湖北省有效问卷调查样本645份。 加班如同家常便饭 调查报告显示,职场人普遍反映工作负担较为沉重,约12.9%的人平均周加班时间超过10小时(work an average of more than 10 hours of overtime a week),劳动者每周工作47.56小时,超过国家规定的每周40小时的标准工作时间(higher than the national standard working hours of 40 hours a week),超时情况较为严重;53%的劳动者有时或经常工作到深夜(often work late at night);36%的劳动者需要偶尔或者经常出差;71.9%的劳动者有时或者经常出现工作时间不规律(irregular working time)的情况。 随着移动互联网的普及(with the popularization of mobile internet),工作场所不再局限于办公室,这种便利性也使工作和生活的界限越来越模糊(increasingly blur the boundary between work and life)。 各行各业都有过劳难念的经 在北京某安全科技公司(safety technology company)做销售工作的靳先生称,他每天工作8至16小时不等,出差是家常便饭(business trips are common)。“我们不坐班,工作比较自由,但是有项目时加班会多一些,比如加班见客户,我曾经一天连续见客户12个小时,最后脑子都转不动了”。 在不少人看来,小学教师可能是比较清闲的职业,有寒暑假还能按时上下班。然而,现实情况却不像旁人看来那么美好。内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市某小学英语教师(a primary school English teacher)郑艳称,她教四个班,每天要批改各种作业(correct all kinds of homework),在学校的时候几乎没有休息的机会(almost no chance to take a break at school)。来自校长和家长给的压力使她变得脾气暴躁(loss temper)、回家不想动(inactivity back home)。 过劳背后是身体透支 调查结果还显示,在职场中,82.3%的劳动者承受着一般或更高的精神压力(under mental stress at an average or higher level);81.9%的劳动者承受着一般或更高的身体压力。与此对应的是:近五分之四的劳动者每周体育锻炼时间低于5个小时(nearly four-fifths of employees exercise less than five hours a week),超过一半的劳动者平均每天的体育锻炼时间不足1个小时(more than half exercise less than one hour a day on average)。 张智勇表示:“当前,在市场竞争加剧的背景下,职场过度劳动(overwork)现象有普遍化、加剧化的趋势。”过度劳动造成了人力资源的短时间内过度的、非科学的使用,劳动者健康状况堪忧,严重的可能造成“过劳死(overwork death, karoshi)”,造成令人痛心的损失。对此,各方应携起手来,加强劳动者劳动时间与劳动强度(intensity of labor)的监控,关注劳动者健康,改善用工方式(improve modes of employment),共同构建美好生活的蓝图。
数词 序数词
1-12 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 13-19 以teen 结尾 eg 19 nineteen 13 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 21-30 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty 31-40 thirty-one thirty-two forty 41-50 forty-one forty-two forty-nine fifty 51-60 fifty-one fifty-nine sixty 61-70 sixty-one sixty-nine seventy 71-80 seventy-one seventy-nine eighty 81-90 eighty-one eighty-nine ninety 91-100 ninety-one ninety-nine hundred 注意:在书写中,十位和个位中间要加上连字符”-“ 三位数的读法:在百位和十位(若无十位,则和个位)之间,记得在读的时候,一定要加上and!加上and!加上and! 106 one hundred and six 123 one hundred and twenty-three
序数词 序数词记忆歌诀: 第1、2、3、12单独记 第五第九均无e 整十y变ie,然后再加-th 整十带个是“基 + 序”; 其余直接加-th 说明:序数词有两种写法: ①用英语单词 ②用“阿拉伯数字+词尾-st/-nd/-r/-th first—1st eleventh—11th twenty-first—21st second—2nd twelfth—12th twenty-second—22nd third—3rd thirteenth—13th twenty-third—23rd fourth4—4th fourteenth—14th twenty—fourth 24th 1-10 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth 11-20 eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth 21-30 twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh twenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirthieth 31-40 thirty-first thirty-second thirty-third thirty-fourth thirty-fifth thirty-sixth thirty-serverth thirty-eightth thirty-ninth fortieth 41-50 forty-first forty-second forty-third forty-fourth forty-fifth forty-sixth forty-seventh forty-eighth forty-ninth fiftieth 51-60 fifty-first fifty-second fifty-third fifty-fourth fifty-fifth fifty-sixth fifty-seventh fifty-eighth fifty-ninth sixeieth 61-70 sixty-first sixty-second sixty-third sixty-fourth sixty-fifth sixty-sixth sixty-seventh sixty-eighth sixty-ninth seventieth 71-80 seventy-first seventy-second seventy-third seventy-fourth seventy-fifth seventy-sixth seventy-seventh seventy-eighth seventy-ninth eightieth 81-90 eighty-first eighty-second eighty-third eighty-fourth eighty-fifth eighty-sixth eighty-seventh eighty-eighth eighty-ninth ninetieth 91-100 ninety-first ninety-second ninety-third ninety-fourth ninety-fifth ninety-sixth ninety-seventh ninety-eighth ninety-ninth one hundredth 百以上的序数词将基数词的结尾部分变为序数词即可。如: 10th one thunredth 204th two hunderd and fourth 562th five hundred and sixty-second
It's fusion 杂烩
一个人alone练习英语口语(情景+沉浸式) 3、不要过于纠结语法。想说什么就大胆地说出来,过于纠结语法会大大影响流畅度。口语在练到一定程度的时候,语法准确率自然也会提高,是一个自然而然的过程,不需要过于纠结。
我来答一波。不要幻想上几节外教课 看美剧 背单词能帮助你,因为大概率会方法不当。在没有外语条件的情况下,我建议一个方法:注意,这个不是最好的方法,有很多缺陷,但是相对有效的方法。首先,明确你的口语目标,是日常生活还是专业交流。第二,我们以日常生活为例,选定一个场景,比如购物,先用中文在脑海构思一个对话,可以录下来,然后一句句翻译。不需要每个单词语法都很准确,不会的就去查,然后一到两天反复对自己说,到最后一天录下来。一个周之后在找出这个话题,继续说录下来。一个月4到5个话题就行。坚持半年,你会发现基本你想要讨论的这几个话题都我有话可说。 注意,我说的没有老外天天配聊的情况下,可以考虑这个方法。高中我用过,大学第一次和老外聊起来很多语法错误,口音也有,但每个话题都能聊。他们对我的评价一致都是有趣 懂很多 ,后来也愿意和我做朋友。陪我聊了一口流利的美式英语。
1、copy that常表示收到的意思,在多种FPS游戏的无线电, 二战无线电, 动作战争电影里多次
2、如果作为下线对上级(如:塔台、指挥机舰、上级单位等)通信的接收则用roger that,
听不清 再说一次
I'm sorry , I can't hear you. Could you say that again?
My English is terrible/bad 我的英语很糟糕 I am not good at English 我的英语不太好 谦虚是中国人的传统美德,但也不能把英语不好说成My English is poor,因为poor是一个比较消极的词汇,外国人不会用 poor 来形容一个人的语言能力。如果英语真的不好,我们可以说My English is terrible。 例句: My English is bad, I do not understand what you said. 我的英语很糟糕,我没听懂你说了什么 My English is a little rusty I don t speak much English 我不太会说英语 My English is a little rusty 我的英语有点生疏了,我的英语不太熟练 英语不好的人,口语都不太流利,这时候我们就可以对老外说My English is a little rusty。 rusty是生锈的意思,My English is a little rusty表面意思是我的英语有点生锈了,言外之意就是我好久没说英语了,不太熟练了。 例句: My English is a little rusty ,so you know my pronunciation is not accurate. 我的英语不太好,所以你知道我的发音不太准确。 My English is okay, I need to improve it. 我的英语水平一般,我需要提高我的英语水平。
“我英语不好”千万别说成"My English is poor"!
美好的一天”英语表达为“wonderful day”。
例句:This is the most wonderful day of my life,because I'm here with you now.
英 ['wʌndəfl] 美 ['wʌndərfl]
adj. 精彩的;极好的
1、wonderful idea 绝妙的想法
2、wonderful performances 精彩的演出
3、wonderful plays 精彩的剧本
take a nap every now and then 偶尔
你休想”用英语怎么说? 正确表达:Over my dead body! 字面意思是:从我尸体上跨过去,意思是:休想!除非我死了。
“希望渺茫啊”用英语怎么说? 正确表达:Fat chance 英文解释:used to say that you certainly do not think that something is likely to happen
I will teach you a lesson ,just wait
可用Are you ok或Are you all right。
Are you all right? You look terrible. Are you sick?
/ I'm good ,thanks.
加油的英文怎么说之一:Come on!
加油的英文怎么说之三:Good luck!
感冒好些了吗? Have you gotten over your cold? D: Hi Lily, how’s it going? Have you gotten over your cold? 嗨,Lily,你好吗?感冒好一点没? L: I’m feeling much better. Thanks for asking. 我好多了,谢谢你的关心。 D: Since you’re feeling better, maybe you’d like to see Godzilla tonight? 既然你比较好了,或许今晚你会想要看哥斯拉? L: Sure! 好啊! Are you feeling better now with your cold? / Is your cold getting better?
1.Be into 喜爱 喜欢某人,喜欢某物,都可以用be into来表达。 卡皮斯导演过一部著名电影,就叫:He is just not that into you. 翻译成中文,就是他并没有那么喜欢你。刚好这里,也用到了咱们以前节目讲的"that"的用法,表示“那么”。
I’m really into this movie. 我真得很喜欢这部电影。
I’m really into English debating because it lets me see how ignorant I am.
2.Favor 偏爱;赞成 我们知道,“最喜欢爱的”是favorite, 那这里它的动词"favor"就表示偏好,赞成的意思。
Do you favor his idea?
I’m into you~ 我爱上你了。
(be into...对......感兴趣; 给迷住)
洗澡 Take a shower
Wash your face.洗脸
Wash your hair.洗头发 生活英语13:Take a shower洗澡 英语日常对话——洗澡场景对话
Would you like some coffee?
1. Would you like to grab a coffee next week? 下週想一起喝杯咖啡嗎?
2. Are you free for a coffee sometime in the next few days? 接下來幾天有空一起喝個咖啡嗎?
3. Are you up for a coffee this weekend? 這個週末想一起喝咖啡嗎?
Decaf 低咖啡因: 低咖啡因咖啡或是無咖啡因。
Espresso 濃縮咖啡: 在濃縮咖啡機中製成的一小杯咖啡。
Americano 美式咖啡: 濃縮咖啡加熱開水。
Macchiato 瑪奇朵: 濃縮咖啡加一點點熱牛奶。
Cappucino 卡布奇諾: 濃縮咖啡加一些熱牛奶。
Latte 拿鐵: 濃縮咖啡加比較多的熱牛奶。
Frappé 希臘冰咖啡: 濃縮咖啡加冰塊,和打泡的牛奶混合。
Mocha 摩卡: 拿鐵加巧克力糖漿
Do you want to drink tea
take your time.
“请喝茶”的英文 :Have some tea,please
Do you Have some tea
短语: 1、drink coffee 喝咖啡 2、soft drink n. 软饮料;不含酒精的饮料 3、have a drink 喝一杯(酒,饮料等);饮酒 4、drink milk 喝牛奶 5、cold drink 清凉饮料,冷饮
请喝茶英语怎么说_“请喝茶”在英语中有几种说法,分别怎么说 https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/588523467248564285.html
Altough it is a little expensive, it is still very valuable. 另外,想说另一位的回答有点小问题,price 只能用high low来形容 希望能帮上你,欢迎追问,满意望采纳。
通俗说法: It is too expensive/high; The price is too expensive/high. It costs too much. It is overpriced.
例句: 运费的价格太贵了。 The price of the freight is too high.
我喜欢这支钢笔,但它价格太贵了。 I like this pen, but it costs too much.
商业说法:超过了我的预算。 It is out of my budget. It is beyond my budget.
例句: This is really lovely, but it's beyond my budget. 这个东西真不错,但是价格超过了我的预算
too expensive
The postage was too high. 邮费太贵。 First(ly),it's too expensive;and secondly,it's very ugly. 一来太贵,二来很难看. It's just that maternity clothes are so expensive. 就是孕妇服实在太贵。 There is less expensive accommodation nearby. 附近有不太贵的住处。 (of prices,etc)not too expensive;acceptable (指价格等)不太贵的,公道的 100 Yuan a piece? Is not that a bit expensive? 一块一百元?!有点太贵吧? The tickets cost too much and sold badly (wouldn't sell). 这些票太贵,销路不好(卖不出去)。
你请客 英语怎么说
1.有以下这六种可以表达请客的说法:It's on me.(我请客) ;
2.It's my treat. (我请客);
3.Be my guest. (我请客);
4.Let me pay the bill.(我来付帐);
5.Let me foot the bill.(让我付钱);
6.I want to treat you. (我请你) ;
Note: It's on me. 表示我请客。 It's on you.表示你请客。 http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/30/WS5b876085a310add14f388a4f.html https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/268391958.html
Beg your pardon.
如果直接翻译您写的中文内容,上面说的都没错。不过,老外交谈时一般会这样表达:“I beg your pardon,can you say that again?”
如果是口语,那最地道的就是用sorry,what did u talk abt just now? i didn't get it(clearly). 加不加clearly随你。
7) We have a bad connection. 通讯效果不太好。
8) I can't catch what you are saying. 我听不太清楚你说的话。
1) Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗?
2) Excuse me? 请再说一遍?
Valentine's Day: Who is St. Valentine and why is it celebrated
Valentine's Day is a celebration of romance, but what is its origin? Why is it held on February 14th and what traditions are there for the holiday? The oldest known Valentine's Day message dates back to 1415, when the Duke of Orléans sent a poem to his wife from the Tower of London, where he was being held prisoner.
以人为本 人性化 友善
It's a people-oriented [ˈɔːrientɪd] company. 以人为本
These savages were usually friendly, courteous, and hospitable .
"这是一家人性化管理的公司"英语怎么说 This company adopts the humanized management approach.
人性化管理 一般用humanized management,
Hong Kong companies are usually very friendly to people
people at were usually friendly hk company always friendly
Teacher job seriously, to treat students are very friendly.
这句( 老师工作认真负责,对待学生很友善 ) 英文怎么翻译 ?? Teacher job seriously, to treat students are very friendly.
Hope join in your company.
Hope be the one of your company.
i want to be the member of your company
Hope to be one of the workers in your company. https://www.yulucn.com/question/480060151
“在家工作”的确可以说"work at home"
I have arrived home 我已到家
已经吃晚饭了 和 我刚吃完饭
已经吃晚饭了 和 我刚吃完饭 I have had a meal just now. I just start having meal. I have been eating dinner I had just eaten some rice I had just 凡是用have+过去分词的都是错的 have+过去分词表示的是持续性的动作,也就是说到现在你还在吃 但LZ说的是已经吃完了,所以说i already finished(my dinner) 就行了 我已经吃完饭了=i have already finish eat/i just finished my meal just now 我已经吃过饭了=i have already eaten
炸豆腐鱼的英文 fried doufu fish
炸豆腐 deep-fried bean curd
普宁炸豆腐 puning tofu defried
前天的英文:the day before yesterday;昨天的英文:yesterday;
今天的英文:today;明天的英文:tomorrow;后天的英文:the day after tomorrow;
大后天的英文:three days from now;大大后天的英文:four days from now
最后一天英语:last day
释义:n. (基督教)最后审判日;世界末日;最后一天
一般用法是不用加the 但是表示特有名词时(如世界末日)需要加the
day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives
1) two thousand twenty two 2) twenty twenty two # 建议这个方法
日期 最后一位要序数词
在美国英语中,通常只采用一种表达法。即 (以“1988年5月2日”为例) 写法:May 2(nd), 1988 读法:May second, nineteen eighty-eight 1)写法中,日期与月份之间不可加逗号。 2)写法中,年份前的逗号可以省略。 3)写法中,代表日期的序数词词尾(-st,-nd, -rd或-th )均可省略。 4写法中,序数词前的定冠词the,一般可省略;在读法中,该定冠词一般亦省略 日期可用序数词,如:1st,2nd,3rd,4th,...;也可用基数词,如:1,2,3,4,...。 但美式大多采用后者; 日"则要读成"the 序数词"; 英语日期前介词的使用:若指在哪一年或哪一月,则用介词 in,若具体到某一天,则需用介词 on 美英的表达方式是有差别的 在日期方面,美英的表达方式是有差别的。以日为先,月份为后,此为英国式,美国式则与此相反。如一九九六年三月二日的写法: 2nd March, 1996(英) March 2, 1996(美) 在美式的写法中,1st, 2nd, 3rd 的 st, nd, rd 是不使用的。 美国:月日年(January 8th,2014 或January 8,2014 ) eight twenty twenty-two 2022年 2月27号,英文表达为:February 27th,也可以不加th,直接写为 Februrary 27或27 February 口语中可为 twenty-seventh February ;或 second February
1. 所有的时间都可以用【小时 + 分钟】直接读:
6:10 six ten 8:30 eight thirty 2:40 two forty
2. 如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用【分钟 + past + 小时】:
6:10 ten past six 4:20 twenty past four 10:25 twenty-five past ten
3. 如果所表述的时间在半小时之外,可以用【(相差的)分钟 + to + (下一)小时】:
10:35 twenty-five to eleven 5:50 ten to six 9:49 eleven to ten
4. 如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时,可以用【half + past + 小时】:
11:30 half past eleven 2:30 half past two
5. 如果所表述的分钟和15有关,就有三种表达法:
(15分钟又叫一刻钟:a quarter)
9:15 nine fifteen ; fifteen past nine ; a quarter past nine 3:45 three forty-five ; fifteen to four ; a quarter to four
6. 整点的表达:
It s two./It s two o clock. 现在是两点整。
(另外英语中的 noon 和 midnight 可分别直接表示白天和夜晚的12点)
现在是中午十二点。 It s (twelve) noon. 现在是半夜零点。 It s (twelve) midnight.
7. 大约时间:
It s almost two. 马上到两点了。 It s not quite two. 还不到两点。 It s just after two. 刚过两点。
8. 若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上a.m.;同理,下午加p.m.
thirteen past six a.m. 上午六点十三分。 four o clock p.m. 下午四点。
- 练一练 -
现在九点四十五分! It s nine forty-five. =It s a quarter to ten. 现在两点十七分! It s two seventeen. =It s seventeen past two. 现在三点钟! It s three. =It s three o clock. 现在九点半! It s nine thirty. =It s half past nine. 现在六点十五分! It s six fifteen. =It s a quarter past six. 现在三点五十分! It s three fifty. =It s ten to four.
第二季 prison break season 2
第一集 E01.episode1.
Maybe your head had been kicked by a donkey.脑子被驴踢了 或something wrong with your head
你脑子有病 you are out of your mind
你脑子进水 what were you thinking
There is something wrong with your mind
It is all in your mind 你想多了
It is all in your/the mind
Is it all in my mind?
“你想多了”还在说"you think too much"?这么翻译太中式了!
知识点:give sb a big head 给某人戴高帽
1、Speechless 因为厌恶或者吃惊而无语~ 例句: Later today, I can only smile to myself speechless. 后来的现在,我只能对自己无语一笑。 6、Lost for words 有种没话说是因为不知所措。当你感到非常惊讶或困惑时,有时真的不知道该说什么好。这个短语说的就是这种情况。 例句: I was so surprised to see her that I was lost for words. 见到她太意外了,我一下子不知道该说些什么了。
Which college/school are you in.
Happy April Fools' Day!
今天小编要教大家“随便、麻烦“英语怎么说。 “口头禅“ Pet phrases: 口头禅,个人爱用的小短语 Short sayings: 小短语、说法。 随便/无所谓 “都可以,无所谓“英语说法很多 It's up to you. I’m ok with anything. I’m cool with anything. Anything is good/fine. Anything works. 有些“无所谓“很无奈 Anything will do: 有点勉强,感觉也没有什么别的选择。 Anything goes: 没有规则,什么都可以。 Whatever: 语气上比较不屑,常用来抱怨、争执
有什么 能帮到你的
Can I be of any help ?
May I help you ? What can I do for you ?
take care of yourself 照顾好自己
take care of yourself 照顾好自己
take care 保重
take care of yourself照顾好自己
take care的意思是保重,是国外常见的告别语,take care of yourself一般理解为我先走了你好好照顾自己。
Darling, I have to go.Take care of yourself.
好好休息 You need to have a good rest.
Do not exhaust yourself
Thank you for asking.
I just feel a little tired.
https://www.sohu.com/a/402973463_444261 关心别人别再说"take care"了,这些才是老外最常用的表达
americano 美: [əˌmerɪˈkɑnoʊ] 英: [əˌmerɪˈkɑːnəʊ] 网络美式咖啡;美国佬;美式甜蜜
I don't like to drink americano that It tastes bitter.
The problem is I ain't getting much sleep.
bitter 美: [ˈbɪtər] 英: [ˈbɪtə(r)]
adv.剧烈 adj.激烈而不愉快的;充满愤怒与仇恨的;愤愤不平的;令人不快的 n.苦啤酒(在英国很受欢迎) v.把…弄苦;变苦 网络苦的;痛苦的;苦味
It's colder. Keep warm. 天气更冷了,注意保暖。 重点词汇: 保暖 It's said that the weather is becoming colder, please keep yourself warm. it turns cold recently, please keep yourself warm it says that it's getting cold, please keep youself warm. It's getting cold. Take care of yourself to the changeable weather.
I watch Modern Family all the time.Every single episode cracks me up every time.
別再說 Congratulations!9 大實用英文祝賀語一次學
Congratulations ! your bid has won . 恭喜!你得标了。 A:When can you come around to discuss some details with us ? 什么时候可以过来和我们讨论细节呢? B:I‘ll be there next Monday at noon . 下个星期一中午吧。 A:I‘m glad to hear that . 真是好消息, 生日快乐 A:I’m here to express mycongratulations to you on you rbirthday. And I wish you many happy returns of the day. Here is a birthday present for you. 我特来祝贺你的生日,祝你健康幸福。这是给你的生日礼物 congratulations的翻译 B:Many thanks for your presence. 非常感谢你的礼物。 :Yeah,let's go you bet it. 没问题。
恭喜的英文別再說 Congratulations!9 大實用英文祝賀語一次學起來!
congratulations对话 congratulations 该单词大全
Nucleic Acid Test 核酸检测
Nucleic /nuˈkliɪk/ a. 核素的
nucleus 核子,核心
acid 酸
Must RNA testing and etc. so trouble
Nucleic acid tests are required for all overseas arrivals in China.
Shredded chicken 手撕鸡
Stir fried tomato with eggs 番茄炒蛋 Seaweed and Egg Soup 紫菜蛋花汤
http://www.ichacha.net/%E6%89%8B%E6%92%95%E9%B8%A1.html 紫菜蛋花汤的英文怎么说
第二种说法:Mmm[m]嗯 语气词,类似嗯嗯之意。
take a day off tomorrow
take a day off tomorrow 请假
为什么不能说cheap? 我们一直把cheap等同于便宜,以为cheap和中文一样是指物美价廉、超值。但其实cheap在歪果仁看来多是价格低廉并且品质不佳的产品,所以老外们很少会承认自己买的东西so cheap,因为这会让别人感觉自己买的东西没有价值。 1、物美价廉的便宜应该这么说bargain 动词是讨价还价,名词表示很值得,比原价便宜很多! That is a (real) bargain/What a bargain! Really? What a good deal! Where did you get it? 真的吗?真便宜!你在哪里买到的? bargain 有“特价商品” 的意思,则指廉价出售的商品 What a bargain, let‘s buy it。 这么便宜,让我们买了吧。 Can you come down a bit ? 你可以便宜点吗? Any discount ? 有折扣吗? This can be a little cheaper。 这个能不能便宜点?
英语里面也有一个概念可以表示“小区居民”:apartment community,国外网站对它的定义是:
While an apartment complex provides you with a place to live, an apartment community makes it feel like home. A community is alive. It's the residents, pets, guests and staff that live and work in the complex.
compound [ˈkɑmˌpaʊnd] v.合成;加重;构成;使…复杂化 adj.混合;混合的;复合物合成的;〔医〕哆开性 n.大院;混合物;合成物;合成词 网络化合物;复合词
语英文 It is easy to be wise after the event. 事后诸葛亮好当。 It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. 创业容易守业难。 It is hard to please all. 众口难调。 It is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 It is the first step that costs troublesome. 万事开头难。 It is the unforeseen that always happens. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 It is too late to grieve when the chance is past. 坐失良机,后悔已迟。 It never rains but it pours. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 十年树木,百年树人。 Jack of all trades and master of none. 门门精通,样样稀松。 Judge not from appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。
教材 赖世雄的美国标准音标
周育如老师用字母教音标 666 反正所有都是 26字母的组成
想要和美国人顺畅交流,多用心看看美剧,比任何国人提供的教材课程都有效。 我在美国,除《American accent training》等几本书外,赖世雄应该是在国内能买到的最好的美语书了,他不是让你听懂美语,他是让美国人听懂你。是比起我们中小学学习的发音,能更让美国人听懂你的发音。台湾中小学是按美语教学的,很明显可以感觉到,相比大陆过来的,美国人更理解台湾人的口音。 你要听懂美语,只在国内的话,至少200部只看英文字幕的美剧是绝不能少的(绝对不能看中文字幕,但是不看字幕其实也不好,不懂的根本不可能自己听着听着就懂了,所以看英文字幕。视频网站你可以想办法用on top的软件盖住中文字幕部分), 200部可能有5000集了,一集半小时的话,约相当于美国人100天的听力量。OMG美语很不错,入门可以看,日常生活场合,现在的美国人平时就说OMG美语里面的话。 记得,其实最好的办法是不使用非美国人编的教材,美国人编的很多不错的。另外,同意其它网友的说法,对于中国人,词汇量才是最大的门槛,有一个标准,就是测试你的词汇量 Test Your Vocabulary ,如果测试结果有31000个单词量左右的话,在达到这个词汇量的情况下,加上至少看过(或者同时听过)100部英文书,看过200部美剧。 听美国人说话就基本没有问题了,三万一千个单词量,大约是美国人上了高二以后拥有的词汇量: 参考一下 Test Your Vocabulary 。达到这一点,才是刚起步。因为这是你听懂了所有人的说话了(听力),但不是你能说出所有你想说的话了(口语)。如果要用美剧训练口语,一部美剧看100遍到会全部背下来,比看100部美剧好;这是第二步的工作了。其实不用100遍这么吓人的,正常情况听10-20遍就会背好多好多句了,能背的都是你的了。在交流时你会脱口而出,字正腔圆的。
周育如 K.K 音標英文教學 (自然發音)
用英语介绍自己喜欢的书My Favourite Book
论语 Analects of Confucius
I like The"Analects 美[ˌænə'lekts] of Confucius 美[kənˈfjuʃəs] ", carrying 2,500 years, affecting Chinese people for generations, the classic phrase, every Chinese person familiar with. "The Analects of Confucius" the essence is to tell everyone. How we should live our minds and hearts need the kind of a happy life. 我喜欢《论语》这本书,它流传2500多年,影响世代中国人,它的经典语句,每一个中国人耳熟能详。《论语》的真谛,就是告诉大家。怎么样才能过上我们心灵所需要的那种快乐的生活。
Harry Porter
My Favourite Book
I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one The story is very long but I am interested in it Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies
His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it I think it's the best book I've ever read
以-n't结尾的缩写经常在英语口语和书面语中使用,但是有时候并不好理解!下列有一些最常用的缩写: Aren't,是are not的缩写 Can't,是cannot的缩写(注意:'Cannot'通常写成一个单词) Hadn't,是had not的缩写 Wasn't,是was not的缩写 Shouldn't,是should not的缩写 Isn't,是is not的缩写 Hasn't,是has not的缩写 Doesn't,是does not的缩写 Don't,是do not的缩写 Mustn't,是must not的缩写 Weren't,是were not的缩写 Wouldn't,是would not的缩写 Didn't,是did not的缩写 助动词to be和will经常被缩写: I am I'm You are You're He/She/It is He/She/It's We are We're You are You're They are They're I will I'll You will You'll He/She/It will He/She/It'll We will We'll You will You'll They will They'll 注意:某些缩写是不规则的: Shan't,是shall not的缩写(很少用) Won't,是will not的缩写 注意:不是所有的否定式结构缩写都是用-n't : I am not a liar变成了I'm not a liar我不是一个骗子。 注意俚语里,I am not也可缩写为I ain't。 I may not arrive on time 我可能不能准时到达了。('May not'不能缩写)
Why do we say Merry Christmas and not Happy Christmas
Where Does Merry Christmas Come From?
While there are indications ‘Merry Christmas’ was used as far back as the 1500s, the phrase was not popular until 1843, when two things happened. One, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol was published. The novella (that’s right, a novella before it was a play) was incredibly popular and the celebratory salutation was used throughout. The Victorian public took the phrase to a new level of popular usage.Two, the very first commercial Christmas card was circulated. The message of ‘Merry Christmas and Happy New Year’ goes far in explaining the use of merry, as any marketing editor will tell you, Happy Christmas and Happy New Year doesn’t have the snap of a successful holiday expression.
为什么要说Merry christmas而不是Happy christmas