PHP安全配置是一个复杂的过程,其中涉及到很多的细节设置,此脚本来检测你的PHP环境是否存在安全隐患,从而针对这些对你的PHP环境进行加固。 功能: 1.检测PHP环境安全配置 2.应禁用的功能。 3.危险的设置,可能会导致本地或远程文件包含。 4.错误处理。 5.在编译时定义的常量。 安装PHP环境后,将此三个文件脚本放在网站web目录下(audit.php php.xml style.css )进行浏览器查看,他将在你配置的基础中通过XML文件中匹配规则检测出可能存在的配置错误,存在问题的选项它会用红色突出的颜色显示。当然还有一些东西可以根据你的要求更改。 效果在最后面: cat audit.php <pre> <?php /** * PHP Security Auditor */ class Audit { static private $rules; static private $constants; static private $phpVer; static public $report; /** * Converts settings such as 1M 1G 1K to their byte equivilent values * * @param string $n * @return string */ static private function convertToBytes($n) { // If n is -1 then there is no limit if ($n == -1) return PHP_INT_MAX; switch (substr($n, -1)) { case "B": return substr($n,0,-1); case "K": return substr($n,0,-1) * 1024; case "M": return substr($n,0,-1) * 1024 * 1024; case "G": return substr($n,0,-1) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } return $n; } static private function MakeReport($type, $title) { ksort(self::$report[$type]); $html = '<h1>' . $title . '</h1><table><tr class="h"><th>Setting</th><th>Current</th><th>Recomended</th><th>Description</th></tr>'; foreach(self::$report[$type] as $key => $values) { if ($values['p'] == 1) $class="r"; else $class="v"; $html .= '<tr><td class="e">' . htmlentities($key) . '</td>' . '<td class="'. $class .'">' . htmlentities($values['c']) . '</td>' . '<td class="'. $class .'">' . htmlentities($values['r']) . '</td>' . '<td class="'. $class .'">' . htmlentities($values['d']) . '</td></tr>'; } $html .= '</table>'; return $html; } static public function HTMLReport() { $class = ""; $html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' . '<html><head>' . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="style.css"/>' . '</head><body>'; $html .= self::MakeReport("ini", "PHP INI"); $html .= self::MakeReport("disabled", "PHP Disabled Functions"); $html .= self::MakeReport("const", "PHP CONST"); $html .= '</html>'; echo($html . "\n"); } /** * Adds an item to the reporting array. * * @param string $type - the type (ini or const) * @param string $key - the name of the variable * @param string $currentValue - the current ini or const value * @param string $recomended - the recomended value * @param string $desc - a description of the issue * @param boolean $problem - true if not complaint, false if compliant */ static private function Report($type, $key, $currentValue, $recomended, $desc, $problem) { if (isset(self::$report[$type][$key])) if ((self::$report[$type][$key]['r'] < $recomended) && (self::$report[$type][$key['p']] == 1)) return; self::$report[$type][$key] = array( "c" => $currentValue, "r" => $recomended, "d" => $desc, "p" => $problem ); } /** * Loads the rules from an XML file * * @param string $file */ static public function LoadRules($file = "php.xml") { if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) { $version = explode(".", PHP_VERSION); self::$phpVer = ($version[0] * 10000 + $version[1] * 100 + $version[2]); } else self::$phpVer = PHP_VERSION_ID; self::$constants = get_defined_constants(); self::$rules = simplexml_load_file($file); } /** * Processes the XML ruleset against const and ini values found in PHP * */ static public function ProcessXML() { foreach(self::$rules as $null => $entry) { $ruleID = $entry->attributes()->id; // Check the version of PHP the rule applies to $version = (string)$entry->version; if ($version != "") { $op = (string)$entry->version->attributes()->op; switch ($op) { case 'before': if ($version < self::$phpVer) continue 2; break; } } // Evaluate the rule as we are sure it applys to the version of PHP running switch((string)$entry->type) { // Look at CONST values in PHP case "const": $key = (string)$entry->key; // e.g LIBXML_NOENT $cValue = self::$constants[$key]; // The current value $rValue = (string)$entry->value; // The recomended value $desc = (string)$entry->description; // Description switch((string)$entry->value->attributes()->op) { case "eq": self::Report("const", $key, $cValue, $rValue, $desc, ($cValue == $rValue) ? 0 : 1); break; } break; // Check the list of functions that should be restricted case "disable_functions": $disabled = ini_get("disable_functions"); $list = explode(",", $disabled); $xmlList = (array)($entry->list); $xmlList = $xmlList['function']; foreach($xmlList as $null => $function) { $de = array_search($function, $list); self::Report("disabled", $function, (($de == 0) ? "enabled" : "disabled"), "disabled", "", (($de == 0) ? 1 : 0)); } break; // Look at values defined within the INI files case "ini": $key = (string)$entry->key; // e.g. display_errors $cValue = trim(self::convertToBytes(ini_get($key))); // Current value $rValue = (string)$entry->value; // Recomended value $desc = (string)$entry->description; // Description if (is_numeric($rValue) && $cValue == "") $cValue = "0"; // Deals with where one value should be compared to another if ((string)$entry->value->attributes()->type == "key") $rValue = self::convertToBytes(ini_get((string)$entry->value)); switch((string)$entry->value->attributes()->op) { // Equal to case "eq": self::Report("ini", $key, $cValue, $rValue, $desc, ($cValue == $rValue) ? 0 : 1); break; // Less than or equal to case "lt": self::Report("ini", $key, $cValue, "< $rValue", $desc, ($cValue <= $rValue) ? 0 : 1); break; // Greater than or equal to case "gt": self::Report("ini", $key, $cValue, "> $rValue", $desc, ($cValue >= $rValue) ? 0 : 1); break; // Not equal to case "ne": $neValue = (string)$entry->value->attributes()->net; $notBlank = (string)$entry->value->attributes()->notblank; if ($notBlank == "true") { self::Report("ini", $key, $cValue, $rValue, $desc, ($cValue != "") ? 0 : 1); break; } self::Report("ini", $key, $cValue, $rValue, $desc, ($cValue != $neValue) ? 0 : 1); break; } break; } } } } Audit::LoadRules(); Audit::ProcessXML(); Audit::HTMLReport(); </pre> [root@dkm-server eg]# cat php.xml <pre> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rules> <entry id="1"> <type>ini</type> <key>upload_max_filesize</key> <value op="lt">4194304</value> <description>Sets the maximum size of an uploaded file. Reduce this to mitigate the risk of DOS attacks.</description> </entry> <entry id="29"> <type>ini</type> <key>upload_max_filesize</key> <value op="lt" type="key">memory_limit</value> <description>The maximum size of an uploaded file should be able to fit within the avaliable memory limit.</description> </entry> <entry id="30"> <type>ini</type> <key>post_max_size</key> <value op="lt" type="key">memory_limit</value> <description>The maximum post size of data posted to the server should be within the avaliable memory limit.</description> </entry> <entry id="32"> <type>ini</type> <key>always_populate_raw_post_data</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>This does not need to be used. The preferred method for accessing the raw POST data is php://input.</description> </entry> <entry id="33"> <type>ini</type> <key>magic_quotes_gpc</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Sets magic_quotes state for GPC (GET PUT COOKIE) data. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.</description> <version op="before">50300</version> <url>http://www.php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php#ini.magic-quotes-gpc</url> </entry> <entry id="34"> <type>ini</type> <key>magic_quotes_runtime</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Sets magic_quotes state for data from external sources. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.</description> <version op="before">50300</version> <url>http://www.php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php#ini.magic-quotes-runtime</url> </entry> <entry id="35"> <type>ini</type> <key>safe_mode</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.</description> <version op="before">50300</version> </entry> <entry id="36"> <type>ini</type> <key>memory_limit</key> <value op="lt">16777216</value> <description>The maximum memory limit for each script should be 16M or less.</description> </entry> <entry id="5"> <type>ini</type> <key>upload_max_filesize</key> <value op="lt" type="key">post_max_size</value> <description>The maximum upload file size should be less than or equal to the maximum post size.</description> </entry> <entry id="2"> <type>ini</type> <key>max_file_uploads</key> <value op="lt">10</value> <description>The maximum mumber of files that can be uploaded in 1 go.</description> </entry> <entry id="3"> <type>ini</type> <key>file_uploads</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>This may be impractical but if not needed file uploading should be disabled.</description> </entry> <entry id="4"> <type>ini</type> <key>post_max_size</key> <value op="lt">4194304</value> <description>The maximum post size should as small as reasonably possible to mitigate the risk of DOS attacks.</description> </entry> <entry id="6"> <type>ini</type> <key>register_long_arrays</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Populates HTTP_*_VARS which should no longer be used.</description> <version op="before">50300</version> </entry> <entry id="7"> <type>ini</type> <key>register_globals</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Highly dangerous feature enabling variables to be defined in scripts from the GPC paramaters. This should be always be turned off.</description> <version op="before">50300</version> </entry> <entry id="8"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.hash_function</key> <value op="eq">1</value> <description>MD5 should be replaced with SHA-160 as it is a more complex and secure hashing algorithm.</description> <version op="after">50000</version> </entry> <entry id="9"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.hash_bits_per_character</key> <value op="gt">5</value> <description>The number of bits encoded per character of the session key.</description> <version op="after">50000</version> </entry> <entry id="10"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.entropy_file</key> <value op="ne" net="">/dev/random</value> <description>Provides a random seed for generating the session.</description> </entry> <entry id="11"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.entropy_length</key> <value op="gt">32</value> <description>The number of bytes to read for gathering entropy for session generation.</description> </entry> <entry id="12"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.name</key> <value op="ne" net="PHPSESSID">Custom String</value> <description>The name given to the PHP Session. It is recomended this be changed from the default.</description> </entry> <entry id="14"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.save_path</key> <value op="ne" net="/tmp" notblank="true">/custom/location</value> <description>The save path for the session should be changed from the default /tmp.</description> </entry> <entry id="15"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.use_trans_sid</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Sessions should not be allowed in GET paramaters.</description> </entry> <entry id="18"> <type>ini</type> <key>display_errors</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Error messages should be suppressed</description> </entry> <entry id="19"> <type>ini</type> <key>allow_url_fopen</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Remote files should not be accessable using fopen.</description> </entry> <entry id="20"> <type>ini</type> <key>allow_url_include</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>You should not be able to include remote scripts using include.</description> </entry> <entry id="31"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.cookie_httponly</key> <value op="eq">1</value> <description>Cookies must be httponly by default</description> <version op="after">50200</version> </entry> <entry id="20"> <type>ini</type> <key>open_basedir</key> <value op="ne" net="/" notblank="true">/the/webroot</value> <description>Limit the files that can be opened by PHP to the webroot.</description> </entry> <entry id="32"> <type>ini</type> <key>upload_tmp_dir</key> <value op="ne" net="/tmp" notblank="true">/custom/location</value> <description>Change the location of where files are initally uploaded to</description> </entry> <entry id="21"> <type>ini</type> <key>max_execution_time</key> <value op="lt">20</value> <description>Execution time should be limited to 20 seconds or less.</description> </entry> <entry id="22"> <type>ini</type> <key>max_input_nesting_level</key> <value op="lt">32</value> <description>Maximum level of nesting of objects 32 is sufficent.</description> </entry> <entry id="23"> <type>ini</type> <key>enable_dl</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Disable loading of dynamic extensions.</description> </entry> <entry id="24"> <type>ini</type> <key>display_startup_errors</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Startup errors should be suppressed.</description> </entry> <entry id="25"> <type>ini</type> <key>log_errors</key> <value op="eq">1</value> <description>All errors generated by PHP should be logged to a file.</description> </entry> <entry id="26"> <type>ini</type> <key>log_errors_max_len</key> <value op="gt">2048</value> <description>At least 2048 characters of the error message should be stored in the error log.</description> </entry> <entry id="27"> <type>ini</type> <key>error_log</key> <value op="ne" net="">/custom/location</value> <description>Should be set to the location of the php error log.</description> </entry> <entry id="28"> <type>const</type> <key>LIBXML_NOENT</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>External entities should be disabled for XML parsing</description> </entry> <entry id="37"> <type>ini</type> <key>session.use_only_cookies</key> <value op="eq">1</value> <description>Session variables should only be passed in cookies.</description> </entry> <entry id="29"> <type>const</type> <key>LIBXML_NONET</key> <value op="eq">0</value> <description>Network access for XML parsers should be disabled.</description> </entry> <entry id="38"> <type>disable_functions</type> <list> <function>fsocket_open</function> <function>pack</function> <function>escapeshellarg</function> <function>escapeshellcmd</function> <function>exec</function> <function>passthru</function> <function>proc_close</function> <function>php_uname</function> <function>getmyuid</function> <function>getmypid</function> <function>passthru</function> <function>leak</function> <function>listen</function> <function>diskfreespace</function> <function>tmpfile</function> <function>link</function> <function>ignore_user_abort</function> <function>set_time_limit</function> <function>limit</function> <function>exec</function> <function>highlight_file</function> <function>show_source</function> <function>fpaththru</function> <function>virtual</function> <function>posix_ctermid</function> <function>posix_getcwd</function> <function>posix_getegid</function> <function>posix_geteuid</function> <function>posix_getgid</function> <function>posix_getgrgid</function> <function>posix_getgrnam</function> <function>posix_getgroups</function> <function>posix_getlogin</function> <function>posix_getpgid</function> <function>posix_getpgrp</function> <function>posix_getpid</function> <function>posix</function> <function>posix_getpwnam</function> <function>posix_getpwuid</function> <function>posix_getrlimit</function> <function>posix_getsid</function> <function>posix_getuid</function> <function>posix_isatty</function> <function>posix_kill</function> <function>posix_mkfifo</function> <function>posix_setegid</function> <function>posix_seteuid</function> <function>posix_setgid</function> <function>posix_setpgid</function> <function>posix_setsid</function> <function>posix_setuid</function> <function>posix_times</function> <function>posix_ttyname</function> <function>posix_uname</function> <function>proc_open</function> <function>proc_close</function> <function>proc_get_status</function> <function>proc_nice</function> <function>proc_terminate</function> <function>phpinfo</function> <function>proc_open</function> <function>shell_exec</function> <function>system</function> <function>set_time_limit</function> <function>ini_alter</function> <function>dl</function> <function>popen</function> <function>parse_ini_file</function> </list> </entry> </rules> </pre> [root@dkm-server eg]# cat style.css <pre>@CHARSET "UTF-8"; body {background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000;} body, td, th, h1, h2 {font-family: sans-serif;} pre {margin: 0px; font-family: monospace;} table {border-collapse: collapse;} td, th { border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 75%; vertical-align: baseline; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px;} h1 {font-size: 150%;} h2 {font-size: 125%;} .p {text-align: left;} .e {background-color: #ccccff; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;} .h {background-color: #9999cc; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;} .v {background-color: #cccccc; color: #000000; padding-left:5px;} .r {background-color: #c50000; color: #000000; padding-left:5px;} </pre> [[category:php]] [[category:Security]]