= [[Playbook |Playbook双击跳转]]= [æn; ən =进阶= [https://blog.51cto.com/u_10272167/2707282 Ansible 日常使用技巧 - 运维总结] [https://blog.jairmir.com/index.php/2021/03/27/ansible%E8%87%AA%E5%8A%A8%E5%8C%96%E8%BF%90%E7%BB%B4/ ansible自动化运维] [https://ansible-tran.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/intro_getting_started.html Ansible中文权威指南 ] [https://www.jianshu.com/p/0326780d05fc 2021-Ansible学习] [https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43798031/article/details/115866901 ansible playbook初始化系统基础环境,直接就可以用] [https://blog.51cto.com/u_13520779/2091782 ansible批量部署服务] [https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/149499486 ansible的安装和操作,并编写一个docker部署的示例] [https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43748870/article/details/88682689 ansible-playbook使用实例(分发文件,执行脚本)] [https://www.cnblogs.com/LiuChang-blog/p/14702939.html Ansible自动化运维应用实战 ] [https://blog.csdn.net/u013613428/article/details/92837916 手把手教你在python中运行ansible-playbook] [https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_46833747/article/details/108441827 知识总结(17)ansible总结(ansible的优点、架构、工作原理、常用模块、playbook详解)] ==变量== <pre> vars: key_file: /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key play book - name: copy TLS key copy: src=files/nginx.key dest={{key_file}} owern=root mode=0600 </pre> == Chapter 2 inventory== p48 [https://www.jianshu.com/p/7eb4c8ee8e13 Ansible教程 第三章 Inventory详解] =introduction= Ansible是一种IT自动化工具。它可以配置系统,部署软件以及协调更高级的IT任务,例如持续部署,滚动更新。Ansible适用于管理企业IT基础设施,从具有少数主机的小规模到数千个实例的企业环境。Ansible也是一种简单的自动化语言,可以完美地描述IT应用程序基础结构。 =ins= https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/installation_guide/index.html <pre> #on master pip3 install --user ansible ssh-copy-id -i id_ecdsa.pub root@ ssh-copy-id -i id_ecdsa.pub root@ ssh-copy-id -i id_ecdsa.pub root@ mkdir /etc/ansible vi /etc/ansible/hosts [intra] ansible all -b -u root -a "hostname" | CHANGED | rc=0 >> k8s-node1 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> k8s-master | CHANGED | rc=0 >> k8s-node2 ansible all -m ping </pre> == ins on centos use yum == <pre> yum install epel-release yum install ansible </pre> =配置文件= <pre> #放自己home更加爽 /home/evan/ansible so Jul 04 2023 sudo vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = /home/evan/ansible/inventory/hosts # 写在自己的home目录 ansible在使用配置文件时按照以下顺序优先配置: export ANSIBLE_CONFIG ./ansible.cfg ~/.ansible.cfg /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg 如果以上顺序没有找到配置文件ansible会自动使用默认配置 关于ansible的配置在/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg文件中,所以关于ansible运行时所使用的ssh配置也可以在此文件中配置。在目前的ansible中,运行ansible时会依次加载 环境变量ANSIBLE_CONFIG,当前目录的ansible.cfg,~/.ansible.cfg,/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg,针对同一个配置项以最先加载到的为准。所以,我们可以单独编写自己的ansible.cfg文件放在当前目录下。 可以去github上把默认配置拿下来: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/devel/examples/ansible.cfg # To generate an example config file (a "disabled" one with all default settings, commented out): # $ ansible-config init --disabled > ansible.cfg # Also you can now have a more complete file by including existing plugins: # ansible-config init --disabled -t all > ansible.cfg 把它放到/etc/ansible/目录 </pre> ==ansible指定用户 == <pre> 方案1: nsible -m ping -u 用户名 方案2: 修改/etc/ansible/hosts文件: [test_hosts] host_ip ansible_user=用户名 # 还可以指定登陆密码 host_ip ansible_user=用户名 ansible_ssh_pass=登陆密码 </pre> =日常技巧= ==sudo == [https://github.com/evan886/my-ansible/tree/main/sudo-insdocker/ansible sudo 详细例子insdocker在github] === 没密码的sudo=== <pre> cat /etc/ansible/agent.yml --- - hosts: all become: yes become_method: sudo remote_user: evan #remote_user: ops roles: - ag_conf #当然 shell 里面也要写sudo #直接在commond 这样执行,要交互,但是可以直接回车 如果没密码 ansible tmp -m command -a "ls /root" -u evan --become --ask-become-pass </pre> [https://blog.51cto.com/u_3379770/1906326 ansible 普通用户执行命令] [https://www.cnblogs.com/fjping0606/p/6952749.html Ansible 使用普通用户远程执行playbook ] https://serverfault.com/questions/870951/ansible-adhoc-command-execute-with-sudo https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38958333/how-to-achieve-sudo-su-user-and-run-all-command-in-ansible#38965192 ==SSH authenticity checking == <pre> Is there a way to ignore the SSH authenticity checking made by Ansible? For example when I've just setup a new server I have to answer yes to this question: GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** The authenticity of host 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is xx:yy:zz:.... Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 方法1 直接在命令行 加参数 ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook ssh-u-conf.yml 方法2 加到配置文件 /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or ~/.ansible.cfg [defaults] host_key_checking = False </pre> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32297456/how-to-ignore-ansible-ssh-authenticity-checking ==分组== ansible beta -b -u evan -m shell -a " sudo hostname" 执行ansible-playbook -C /etc/ansible/agent.yml 得在 yml 里面指定 hostip etc <pre> inventory 文件hosts # 非标准的22端口 必须第一列为别外 不然无效哦 January 24 2022 [add] # [beta] beta-insurance ansible_host= ansible_port=22 [pro] prod-core-mongo ansible_host= ansible_port=22 prod-access ansible_host= ansible_port=22 prod-insurance-backstage ansible_host= ansible_port=22 prod-insurance-crm-mongo ansible_host= ansible_port=22 prod-insurance-backstage-count ansible_host= ansible_port=22 prod_core ansible_host= ansible_port=22 prod_mq ansible_host= ansible_port=22 [core] prod_core prod-core-mongo [insure] prod-access prod-insurance-backstage prod-insurance-crm-mongo prod-insurance-backstage-count </pre> == run shell== #还是 -m shell 好用, -m script 不太好用感觉 ansible core -b -u evan -m shell -a "sudo ls /home/evan" ansible insure -m shell -a "sudo cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Permit" == 常用参数== -m MODULE_NAME #执行模块的名字,默认使用 command 模块,所以如果是只执行单一命令可以不用 -m参数 -u REMOTE_USER #远程用户,默认为 root 用户 查看列表的命令 -m 要执行的模块,默认为command -a 模块的参数 -u ssh连接的用户名,默认用root,ansible.cfg中可以配置 -C, --check don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur ==变量== <pre> # 主机和主机组变量(主机变量优先级大于主机组变量) vim /etc/ansible/hosts [webservers] ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='123456' http_port=80 ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='123456' [webservers:vars] http_port=8080 server_name=www.baidu.com 实验: ansible webservers -m command -a "echo {{http_port}}" -o 命令说明: ansible webservers -m command -a "echo {{http_port}}" -o ansible:ansible命令 webservers:/etc/ansible/hosts中配置的主机组名称,指定 all (分组和未分组的主机)代表所有主机,指定172.16.1.121代表单台主机。 -m:指定使用的模块,默认是command模块(简单的shell命令),可以省略不写。 -a:指定具体使用的shell指令,比如"echo {{http_port}}"表示在远程主机上打印http_port这个变量。 -o:对ansible的输出的结果进行压缩(即,输出的结果显示在一行) </pre> ==远程执行shell脚本文件 == === Friday July twenty-ninth 2022=== ===编写脚本 === <pre> cat /tmp/mypatch # 卸载旧版本 yum remove -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl # 安装kubelet、kubeadm、kubectl # 将 ${1} 替换为 kubernetes 版本号,例如 v=1.21.12 yum install -y kubelet-${v} kubeadm-${v} kubectl-${v} crictl config runtime-endpoint /run/containerd/containerd.sock # 重启 docker,并启动 kubelet systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable kubelet && systemctl start kubelet </pre> === 脚本copy到其他几台服务器=== <pre> #执行ansible命令,将脚本copy到其他几台服务器上 ansible myk8s -u root -m copy -a "src=/tmp/mypatch dest=/tmp/mypatch" </pre> ===每台服务器上执行 你的shell脚本 === <pre> #执行ansible命令,在每台服务器上执行 你的shell脚本 ansible myk8s -u root -m shell -a "bash /tmp/mypatch chdir=/tmp" </pre> [https://blog.51cto.com/llzdwyp/1761057 3.4-ansible远程执行脚本] ==ansible 常用模块== ===主机连通性测试=== ansible web -m ping命令来进行主机连通性测试 === command 模块=== <pre> ansible web -m command -a 'ss -ntl' 命令模块接受命令名称,后面是空格分隔的列表参数。给定的命令将在所有选定的节点上执行。它不会通过shell进行处理,比如$HOME和操作如"<",">","|",";","&" 工作(需要使用(shell)模块实现这些功能)。注意,该命令不支持| 管道命令。 下面来看一看该模块下常用的几个命令: chdir # 在执行命令之前,先切换到该目录 executable # 切换shell来执行命令,需要使用命令的绝对路径 free_form # 要执行的Linux指令,一般使用Ansible的-a参数代替。 creates # 一个文件名,当这个文件存在,则该命令不执行,可以 用来做判断 removes # 一个文件名,这个文件不存在,则该命令不执行 </pre> ===shell 模块=== <pre> cat /root/2 touch 2.txt ansible 200 -b -u evan -m shell -a "sudo bash /home/evan/close" # cat /home/evan/2.txt 用sudo 默认去了 evan </pre> ===copy 模块=== ansible myk8 -m copy -a 'dest=/home/evan src=/tmp/vboxdrv-Module.symvers' #把 master上的 /tmp/vboxdrv-Module.symvers cp到 myk8组的所有机器的 /home/evan下 ===fetch 模块=== 和copy 相反 ,可看作文件上传动作, 把 远端机器的 /home/evan/vboxdrv-Module.symvers 收集回主机的 /home/evan/tmp/tpp目录下 ansible myk8 -m fetch -a 'dest=/home/evan/tmp/tpp src=/home/evan/vboxdrv-Module.symvers' ==== file ==== 还有相关的什么权限 用户组 属性什么的 ansible myk8 -m file -a 'path=/home/evan/vboxdrv-Module.symvers state=absent' #删除/home/evan/vboxdrv-Module.symvers ===9)service 模块=== <pre> 该模块用于服务程序的管理。 其主要选项如下: arguments #命令行提供额外的参数 enabled #设置开机启动。 name= #服务名称 runlevel #开机启动的级别,一般不用指定。 sleep #在重启服务的过程中,是否等待。如在服务关闭以后等待2秒再启动。(定义在剧本中。) state #有四种状态,分别为:started--->启动服务, stopped--->停止服务, restarted--->重启服务, reloaded--->重载配置 下面是一些例子: ① 开启服务并设置自启动 [root@server ~]# ansible web -m service -a 'name=nginx state=started enabled=true' </pre> ===12)script 模块 运行sh or py 2023 update=== <pre> 一般用在被管主机上 执行一系列命令就非常爽 一般先用copy 把脚本下发到所有的 slave机器 再执行 #Dec thirteenth 2022 ansible的script模块的用途 script 模块用来在远程主机上执行 ansible 管理主机上的脚本, 即:脚本一直存在于 ansible 管理主机本地, 不需要手动拷贝到远程主机后再执行 ➜ tmp cat a.sh touch evantouch.txt chmod +x /home/evan/tmp/a.sh ansible intra -u root -m script -a '/home/evan/tmp/a.sh' ansible intra -m script -a '/home/evan/tmp/a.sh' --become --become-method=sudo --become-user=root 执行效果 -192-168-10-121-c7 ~] {16:35:22} (0) # ls /root/evantouch.txt /root/evantouch.txt 根据文件判断是否需要执行脚本? creates参数 :使用此参数指定一个远程主机中的文件,当指定的文件存在时,就不执行对应脚本 removes参数 :使用此参数指定一个远程主机中的文件,当指定的文件不存在时,就不执行对应脚本 [root@centos8 ~]# ansible yujian -m script -a 'removes=/root/isgit.txt /home/liuhongdi/ansible/gitpubwww.sh' --become --become-method=sudo --become-user=root | SKIPPED 因为删除文件不成功,所以不执行 [root@centos8 ~]# ansible yujian -m script -a 'creates=/root/isgit.txt /home/liuhongdi/ansible/gitpubwww.sh' --become --become-method=sudo --become-user=root | CHANGED => { "changed": true, ... 因为文件可以创建,所以成功执行 万事先man root@myxps:~# ansible-doc -s script - name: Runs a local script (shell and py etc) on a remote node after transferring it script: chdir: # Change into this directory on the remote node before running the script. cmd: # Path to the local script to run followed by optional arguments. creates: # A filename on the remote node, when it already exists, this step will *not* be run. decrypt: # This option controls the autodecryption of source files using vault. executable: # Name or path of a executable to invoke the script with. free_form: # Path to the local script file followed by optional arguments. removes: # A filename on the remote node, when it does not exist, this step will *not* be run. [evan@ ansible]$ ansible add -m script -a './1.sh' [evan@ ansible]$ cat 1.sh touch /tmp/byevanjan.log py evan@debian-s-1vcpu-1gb-sfo2-01:~$ ansible ec2 -m script -a ' ./getip.py' ec2 | CHANGED => { "changed": true, "rc": 0, "stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n", "stderr_lines": [ "Shared connection to closed." ], "stdout": "\r\n", "stdout_lines": [ "" ] } cat getip.py #!/usr/bin/python3 import requests print(requests.get('http://ifconfig.me/ip', timeout=1).text.strip()) </pre> [https://www.cnblogs.com/architectforest/p/12766206.html ansible的script模块的用途] https://blog.51cto.com/noodle/1769474 [https://qa.icopy.site/questions/35139711/running-python-script-via-ansible 通过 ansible 运行 Python 脚本] ===stat 模块=== ansible sftp -m stat -a "path=/etc/passwd" ===firewalld模块=== <pre> service : Name of a service to add/remove to/from firewalld.The service must be listed in output of firewall-cmd --get-services. 指定放行的服务,此服务必须要在firewall-cmd --get-services查询的到。 irewalld模块主要设置火墙对服务和端口的允许 参数:ansible-doc -s firewalld查看一下fetch模块的参数` service参数 必须参数,用于指定要允许服务。 state参数 enabled开机启动 permanent参数 true 永久添加 immediate参数 true 立即生效 # firewall-cmd --list-all public target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: sources: services: dhcpv6-client ssh /etc/ansible# cat fire.yml --- - hosts: gather_facts: true remote_user: root tasks: - name: "firewalld" firewalld: service: http state: enabled permanent: true immediate: yes ansible-playbook -C fire.yml ansible-playbook fire.yml 运行后 结果如下 多了个 http firewall-cmd --list-all public target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: sources: services: dhcpv6-client http ssh #直接执行 ansible node1 -m firewalld -a 'service=https permanent=yes state=enabled' ansible node1 -m service -a 'name=firewalld state=restarted' #建议reload 不要动不动restart ansible intra -m service -a 'name=firewalld state=reloaded' ansible intra -m firewalld -a 'port=8081/tcp permanent=yes state=enabled' </pre> [https://www.cnblogs.com/hypj/p/14035206.html ansible firewalld模块详解] ===[[ansible包管理模块]]请双击跳转=== ===ansible 用户批量创建与管理=== <pre> 最笨的办法 明显不是我们要的 ansible intra -m command -a 'useradd appl' ansible-doc user -s 最好的办法 playbook /etc/ansible# cat adduser.yml --- - hosts: all remote_user: root tasks: - name: 'Create group lai' group: name: lai state: present - name: create user deployer user: name: "{{ item.user }}" group: "{{ item.user }}" password: "{{ item.pass|password_hash('sha512') }}" state: present update_password: on_create loop: - { user: lai , pass: '2240881'} #密码要用字符 </pre> =Ansible-Playbook之初始化服务器= <pre> init-user init-tools vim task/main.yml - include: user.yml #用户管理 - include: repo.yml #yum源 - include: init_pkg.yml #安装基础组件 - include: profile.yml #环境变量 - include: selinux.yml #selinux - include: dir.yml #基础目录 - include: limits.yml #系统参数 - include: iptables.yml #防火墙 - include: sysctl.yml #内核参数 - include: rc.local.yml #开机启动 - include: dns.yml #dns - include: ntp.yml #ntp - include: rsyslog.yml #日志同步 - include: sshd.yml #ssh优化 - include: safe.yml #安全配置 </pre> [https://juejin.cn/post/6995171921004331038 good-ansible自动化:操作系统初始化具体实现 ] [https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1702876 03 实战 Ansible-Playbook之初始化服务器--有sshd安全相关] https://gitee.com/wanghui1234/ansible_repo [https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30955341/article/details/101262866 ansible-playbook编写服务器初始化脚本] ==Ansible-Playbook 修改ssh 配置举例 == <pre> cat /etc/ansible/ssh-u-conf.yml --- - hosts: add become: yes become_method: sudo gather_facts: true remote_user: ubuntu #remote_user: root tasks: - name: "Change password" user: name={{ item.name }} password={{ item.chpass | password_hash('sha512') }} update_password=always with_items: - { name: 'root', chpass: 'root1234' } - { name: 'evan', chpass: 'evan1234' } - name: "修改ssh配置文件的安全选项" lineinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}' line: '{{ item.line }}' state: present with_items: - regexp: "^PasswordAuthentication" line: "PasswordAuthentication yes" - regexp: "^#PermitRootLogin" line: "PermitRootLogin yes" #- regexp: "^#Port 22" # line: "Port 2249" - regexp: "^GSSAPIAuthentication yes" line: "GSSAPIAuthentication no" notify: - restart sshd handlers: - name: restart sshd service: name: sshd state: restarted ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook ssh-u-conf.yml 跑脚本前 evan@ubuntu-2004-1:~$ cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Per #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password 跑后 evan@ubuntu-2004-1:~$ cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Per PermitRootLogin yes #这样就可以用root登录了 在不用太安全的开发环境可用,不过记得u 20.04 要先passwd root </pre> =ansible配合shell脚本批量编译安装python3.7= https://github.com/evan886/my-ansible 具体安排脚本here https://github.com/evan886/my-ansible/tree/main/ansible4py3.7ins <pre> git clone git@github.com:evan886/my-ansible.git cd ansible4py3.7ins/ 执行playbook 测试 root@myxps:/etc/ansible# ansible-playbook -C python.yml 执行 root@myxps:/etc/ansible# ansible-playbook python.yml </pre> [https://blog.csdn.net/reblue520/article/details/81301223 ansible配合shell脚本批量编译安装python3.6.6] =ansible配合shell脚本批量安装golang= https://golang.org/doc/install <pre> tree . ├── ansible.cfg ├── go.yml ├── hosts └── roles └── go_install ├── files │ └── go1.17.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz ├── tasks │ ├── copy.yml │ ├── install.yml │ └── main.yml └── templates └── go_install.sh 5 directories, 8 files reload environment variable. 怎么搞 要手工不成 不科学 oot@myxps:/etc/ansible# ansible intra -b -u root -a "source /etc/profile" | FAILED | rc=2 >> [Errno 2] 没有那个文件或目录 | FAILED | rc=2 >> [Errno 2] 没有那个文件或目录 root@myxps:/etc/ansible# ansible intra -b -u root -a ". /etc/profile" | FAILED | rc=13 >> [Errno 13] 权限不够 | FAILED | rc=13 >> [Errno 13] 权限不够 </pre> == run== <pre> #!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook 加权限后就可以 ./youfile root@myxps:/etc/ansible# ansible-playbook -C go.yml [WARNING]: ansible.utils.display.initialize_locale has not been called, this may result in incorrectly calculated text widths that can cause Display to print incorrect line lengths PLAY [all] ***************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [go_install : copy go_tgz to client] ********************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [go_install : copy install_go_script to client] *********************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [go_install : install go] ********************************************************************************* skipping: [] skipping: [] PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0 root@myxps:/etc/ansible# ansible-playbook go.yml [WARNING]: ansible.utils.display.initialize_locale has not been called, this may result in incorrectly calculated text widths that can cause Display to print incorrect line lengths PLAY [all] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [go_install : copy go_tgz to client] *********************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [go_install : copy install_go_script to client] ************************************************************************************************************************ changed: [] changed: [] TASK [go_install : install go] ********************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=4 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=4 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 </pre> [https://www.jianshu.com/p/d4e6655ff937 Ansible Role 系统环境 之【go】] =ansible sudo 安装配置docker = == Ansible Galaxy 搜索 dockek 有空要自己写成galaxy== https://www.cnblogs.com/sparkdev/p/9962904.html == 直接使用yum== <pre> vi install_docker-ce.yml --- - hosts: docker remote_user: root tasks: - name: install yum-utils yum: name=yum-utils state=present - name: add docker repo shell: yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo - name: install docer-ce yum: name: docker-ce state: present - name: install docker-ce-cli yum: name: docker-ce-cli state: present - name: install containerd.io yum: name: containerd.io state: present - name: config mirro copy: src=~/docker-daemon.json dest=/etc/docker/daemon.json tags: configmirro - name: start enable docker service: name=docker state=started enabled=true - name: restrat shell: sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart docker tags: restart #mirror配置 cat docker-daemon.json { "registry-mirrors": [ "https://registry.docker-cn.com", "http://hub-mirror.c.163.com", "https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn" ] } 4.运行playbook ansible-playbook -v install_docker-ce.yml </pre> ==比较全面的 playbook and roles == https://github.com/evan886/my-ansible/tree/main/sudo-insdocker/ansible =ansible sudo 安装配置zbx agent = https://github.com/evan886/my-ansible #具体脚本 https://github.com/evan886/my-ansible/tree/main/ansible4zbxagent-insconf =ansible sudo 修改ssh配置文件的安全选项 = <pre> Attention 如果有 多个 PasswordAuthentication yes 可能不成功 只改了一个为no cat modify_sshd.yml --- - hosts: cor #- hosts: all gather_facts: true #remote_user: root become: yes become_method: sudo remote_user: evan tasks: - name: "修改ssh配置文件的安全选项" lineinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}' line: '{{ item.line }}' state: present with_items: - regexp: "^PasswordAuthentication" line: "PasswordAuthentication no" - regexp: "^#PermitRootLogin yes" line: "PermitRootLogin no" - regexp: "^PermitRootLogin yes" line: "PermitRootLogin no" #- regexp: "^#Port 22" # line: "Port 2249" - regexp: "^GSSAPIAuthentication yes" line: "GSSAPIAuthentication no" notify: - restart sshd handlers: - name: restart sshd service: name: sshd state: restarted ansible-playbook modify_sshd.yml 直接 ansible all -b --become-method=su --become-user-root -m shell -a "sed 's/PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config" |grep -E "Root|172.16" 2022 cat /etc/ansible/hosts [one] --- - hosts: one gather_facts: true remote_user: root tasks: - name: "修改ssh配置文件的安全选项" lineinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}' line: '{{ item.line }}' state: present with_items: - regexp: "^PasswordAuthentication" line: "PasswordAuthentication no" - regexp: "^#PermitRootLogin" line: "PermitRootLogin yes" #- regexp: "^#Port 22" # line: "Port 2249" - regexp: "^GSSAPIAuthentication yes" line: "GSSAPIAuthentication no" notify: - restart sshd handlers: - name: restart sshd service: name: sshd state: restarted 如果有多个 PasswordAuthentication yes 可能要执行多次 也有可能不成功 注意了 ansible-playbook -C ssh-conf.yml ansible-playbook ssh-conf.yml </pre> =Ansible使用playbook自动化编译安装Nginx= [https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-10/148058.htm Ansible使用playbook自动化编译安装Nginx] =ansible 批量修改已存在用户的密码= <pre> cat /etc/ansible/change-passwd.yml --- - hosts: prod become: yes become_method: sudo gather_facts: false tasks: - name: change user passwd user: name={{ item.name }} password={{ item.chpass | password_hash('sha512') }} update_password=always with_items: - { name: 'evan', chpass: '$evan1234567' } #run test ansible-playbook -C change-passwd.yml #run ansible-playbook change-passwd.yml </pre> =ansible 创建用户= <pre> useradd jsxge chown -R jsxge.wheel jsxge echo "123456" | passwd --stdin jsxge </pre> [https://www.codenong.com/37333305/ 关于sudoers:Ansible:创建具有sudo特权的用户] =ansible修改hostname modify_hostname= <pre> cat hosts [pro] ansible]$ cat modify_hostname.yml --- - name: set hostname hosts: pro #hosts: all become: yes become_method: sudo remote_user: eva gather_facts: false vars: hostnames: - host: name: prod-access - host: name: prod-insurance-backstage - host: name: prod-insurance-crm-mongo - host: name: prod-insurance-backstage-count - host: name: prod-insurance-core tasks: - name: set hostname hostname: name: "{{item.name}}" when: item.host == inventory_hostname loop: "{{hostnames}}" </pre> =ansible and shell= [https://bingostack.com/2021/03/ansible-shell-command/ 使用ansible执行shell命令的正确姿势] =ansible-galaxy= == ansible-galaxy install docker== <pre> ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker #记得国内机器可能要改dns 为8.8.4.4 不然连接github time out #主要配置文件 root@myxps:~# cat ~/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.docker/defaults/main.yml cat pb-docker.yml #安装 docker - hosts: mydocker vars: docker_users: - root roles: - role: geerlingguy.docker become: yes ansible-playbook -u root pb_docker.yml </pre> [https://codeantenna.com/a/wQw1weZj3O 通过 Ansible 安装 Docker] =分发文件= <pre> cat /etc/ansible/hosts [intra] ansible intra -m copy -a "src=/home/evan/data/devops/node-v14.17.6-linux-x64.tar.xz dest=/root/" ansible 122 -m copy -a "src=/home/evan/data/devops/jdk/jdk-8u212-linux-x64.rpm dest=/root/" </pre> [https://blog.csdn.net/wszll_Alex/article/details/77688224 ansible批量传输文件] [https://www.cxyzjd.com/article/Jailman/78344245 结合P2P软件使用Ansible分发大文件_神棍之路-程序员宅基地] [https://zdyxry.github.io/2019/11/22/%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8-Ansible-%E4%BC%A0%E8%BE%93%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E7%9A%84%E5%87%A0%E7%A7%8D%E6%96%B9%E5%BC%8F/ 使用 Ansible 传输文件的几种方式] =troubleshooting= <pre> TASK [ag_conf : install conig zbx agent] ************************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/bin/bash /tmp/i.sh", "delta": "0:00:00.065791", "end": "2021-10-15 10:54:54.896410", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-10-15 10:54:54.830619", "stderr": "/bin/bash: /tmp/i.sh: 没有那个文件或目录", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/bash: /tmp/i.sh: 没有那个文件或目录"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************* : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 solution 忘记main.yml 加上 copy.yml喽 普通用户 $ ansible Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/ansible", line 32, in <module> from ansible import context ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ansible' evan@myxps:~/data/resume/interview$ pip list | grep ansible evan@myxps:~/data/resume/interview$ sudo pip list | grep ansible ansible 4.5.0 ansible-core 2.11.5 </pre> [https://al-cui.github.io/2020/04/05/Ansible-playbook%20%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8Essh%E7%9A%84%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE%E5%92%8C%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8/ ansible中配置ssh--ssh连接断开时,如何很快获取异常并中断playbook的执行] == [DEPRECATION WARNING]: "include" is deprecated, use include_tasks/import_tasks instead. This feature will be removed == 把你的 tasks/main.yml include 换成 include_tasks/import_tasks 就可以了 =Ansible Vault= ==Running Ansible with Vault-Encrypted Files== ===Using an Interactive Prompt=== <pre> ➜ ansible-vault create secret_key ➜ ansible vi inventory/hosts #Aug 11 2023 [database] localhost ansible_connection=local ➜ ansible ansible --ask-vault-pass -bK -m copy -a 'src=secret_key dest=/tmp/secret_key mode=0600 owner=root group=root' localhost BECOME password: Vault password: [WARNING]: A duplicate localhost-like entry was found (localhost). First found localhost was localhost | CHANGED => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3" }, "changed": true, "checksum": "15bb6433cbfcba861b6e7c1121fbe097f68ff14f", "dest": "/tmp/secret_key", "gid": 0, "group": "root", "md5sum": "e894b01b2cc7fc8f341df858e031798a", "mode": "0600", "owner": "root", "size": 17, "src": "/home/evan/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1691743336.7170281-39285-290202074/source", "state": "file", "uid": 0 } ➜ ansible sudo cat /tmp/secret_key onfidential data </pre> ===Using Ansible Vault with a Password File=== <pre> echo 'my_vault_password' > .vault_pass ➜ .ansible ls change-passwd.yml cp secret_key tmp ➜ .ansible ansible --vault-password-file=.vault_pass -bK -m copy -a 'src=secret_key dest=/tmp/secret_key mode=0600 owner=root group=root' localhost BECOME password: [WARNING]: A duplicate localhost-like entry was found (localhost). First found localhost was localhost | CHANGED => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3" }, "changed": true, "checksum": "478a4b2f4eed95489ca86c7d4f060da80f498202", "dest": "/tmp/secret_key", "gid": 0, "group": "root", "md5sum": "ee950cc0624bbba77126274ceb752e3c", "mode": "0600", "owner": "root", "size": 7, "src": "/home/evan/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1691749143.0555234-42774-280022701874123/source", "state": "file", "uid": 0 #我又新建议了一个 ➜ .ansible sudo cat /tmp/secret_key dafasf </pre> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-vault-to-protect-sensitive-ansible-data https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/vault_guide/vault_managing_passwords.html =Galaxy= [https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43584691/article/details/118365603 Ansible 系列之 Galaxy 工具] =References= [https://www.cnblogs.com/sparkdev/p/9905290.html Ansible 简介] [https://www.jianshu.com/p/e390a01669f8 ansible基础教程] [https://z.itpub.net/article/detail/BFF69D272DEFB9A5C71F2D8F839B4A93 别让运维太忙,一文详解 Ansible 的自动化运维,提高工作效率] [https://blog.wangriyu.wang/2018/08-Jenkins.html Jenkins + Ansible 实现 Golang 自动化编译部署] https://github.com/apenella/go-ansible#install [https://www.cnblogs.com/f-ck-need-u/p/7567417.html Ansible系列(四):playbook应用和roles自动化批量安装示例 ] [https://www.gbgj.net/info/468349.html langroot下载 分享Ansible批量安装golang环境] [https://blog.csdn.net/dghfttgv/article/details/104726454 Ansible(1)—— Ansible详解及inventory文件配置] [https://juejin.cn/post/7050429548495634469 ansible入门 ] [https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/139846936 一分钟了解Ansible] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open-source_configuration_management_software Comparison of open-source configuration management software] [https://blog.csdn.net/ximenjianxue/article/details/115326825 DevOps之Cfengine工具安装过程图解] [[category:devops]][[category:ansible]]