“281 Breaking Up”的版本间的差异

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(创建页面,内容为“<pre> 4Lydia:Hello? 4525Maggie:Hey! Do you wa…”)

2024年2月23日 (五) 03:34的版本

4525Maggie:Hey! Do you want to go out tonight?                                                                                          
4526Lydia:No, I think I’ll pass. Mark broke up with me. I feel awful.                                                                   
4527Maggie:What?!? What happened? Just last week you were talking about going on vacation together!                                     
4528Lydia:I don’t know what I did wrong. He said he needed some space to figure things out... He said I didn’t do anything wrong, that  
    I’m a great person... just not the one for him...                                                                                   
4529Maggie:Ugh! That’s so cliché. Mark’s not worth your time, Lydia. You deserve so much better!                                        
4530Lydia:I know we had hit a rough patch but I had hoped we could work it out next weekend, when we both had some time off... I think  
    he found someone else.  I had been getting suspicious because he had been spending  a lot of time with a coworker...                
4531Maggie:Whatever. He’s a jerk, forget about him! There are many more fish in the sea. [dʒɜːrk]                                       
4532Lydia:Talk about being cliché, Maggie! But you’re  right. There’s no use for me to sulk around...  Let’s go out tonight!            
4534cliché     美: [ˈkliˌʃeɪ]  n.陈词滥调;陈腐的套语;                                                                                 
4535deserve     美: [dɪˈzɜrv]  v.值得;应得                                                                                             
4536rough     美: [rʌf]  v.虐待 艰难的                                                                                                  
4537rough path 困难时期:                                                                                                               
4538suspicious     美: [səˈspɪʃəs]  adj.感觉可疑的;怀疑的                                                                              
4539sulk  [sʌlk] n.生闷气;   闷闷不乐;   愠怒;   vi.生闷气